Chapter Four: Past Companions

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"My, my who are these four? I didn't recall us hiring any new servants." We all spun around quickly to see Whitely and a nervous Leo.


I was quick to come up with an excuse, "Oh! We didn't, but Ironwood wanted my help in training the four of them on how to be a good servant, after all, everyone knows what happened to Miss Polendina, wouldn't want it to happen again, now would we?"

The youngest Schnee only smirked. "Now why would Ironwood put a mere teenager, not yet done with her training to teach who I can only assume will become a part of our kingdoms Militia?"

I blushed realizing my mistake, but quickly covering it up with another lie, "Oh no, they're being trained to become ordinary servants for high class families like your own."

Whitley nodded, seemingly accepting the lie, before walking back down the hall.

We all let out our breath each one of us had subconsciously been holding onto. Before making our way out the front door and onto my motor bike that had it's passenger add on. Hermione squeezed in front of me, Draco behind me, and the other two behind me, luckily I had an onslaught of helmets from riding my whole team around, with Velvet, Fox, or Coco tagging along.

We made our way into town, Draco and Hermione had their arms around me tightly trying to stay on board and Harry was holding tightly on to the side as Ron practically squeezed him to death. When finally reaching our first destination, a small coffee shop I've frequented since the falling of beacon, we all got off, securely tucking away all five of our helmets.

I looked to them, a smile on my face. "First stop: caffeine," We all walked slowly in, "Alright you all give me your orders, I'll go order and you all find us seats." After giving me their orders, having me write them down in my notebook I was left with a list:

* Earl Grey with Sugar for Draco
* Cappuccinos for Hermione and Harry
* Costa Mocha for Ron
* Iced Chai with espresso and vanilla for myself
* Blueberry muffins for Draco and Harry
* Chocolate muffins for Hermione, Ron, and myself
* A pistachio muffin for Zay as he'll probably be hungry when his shift is over
(A\N: I picked random items found on a coffee shop menu, minus the earl grey which I picked because why the fuck not)

I walked up to the barista and ordered before moving to the other end of the counter to wait for my order and pay, it wasn't any problem to pay as working for the Schnee family pays very well.

After picking up the orders I returned to the group giving everyone their order before I heard an all too familiar voice, team CFVY, more specifically Coco.

I turned around quickly to some of my closest friends, "Coco? Velvet? Guys? What are you doing here?" The excitement was all to clear in my voice. "Oh hey H. How have you been?"

I quickly hugged Coco, tears in my eyes, Fox, being the kind soul he is, immediately got worried, leaning in to console me, "It's been so hard since the falling of Beacon, I mean, Anny still hasn't woken up since, it's been months! And Leo, Zayne and I have no one to come home to! The closest thing to family Zayne and I have ever had is Qrow and he's nowhere to be found! and we've had to work so hard just to survive!"

Tears were falling down my face now, I had done so well keeping my cool until now, but everything that's happened to me was suddenly coming back to me in violent waves. Fox and Velvet we're trying to calm me, Coco was off getting tissues, and Yatsuhashi was standing awkwardly near by.

The four that had been accompanying me were in shock, looking at eachother.

Coco came back and dried my tears with a few napkins. Fox and Velvet had calmed me down and were now both hugging me. Fox's calming aura helped and Velvet smelled like Lavender, their scents combining into a mix of lavender, pine, and cinnamon.

"Sorry for blowing up, it's just, I haven't seen you four since the falling of Beacon, it all just, came out in violent waves." I started with a trembling voice, by now Velvet had stopped hugging me and only Fox held me protectively a slight blush coating my face from his closeness. (A\N: not much is known about Fox's personality but from what's been shown he's very calm and caring) I opened my mouth to continue, but Velvet cut me off "let's get you out of here."

I love Fox so much-
Word Count: 802 words

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