Chapter 6

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A thought crossed my mind as I went down the mountains, and towards the village. I was able to carry almost 15 kilograms of ore easily as a demon, but I struggled to carry them as a feral imp. I felt like my power went up when I evolved into a feral imp, but the jump in power right now is almost absurd. As an experiment, I dragged one of the barely touched carriage, and I was able to, even if I had to muster quite a lot of strength to do so. I looked at my hands, and a small smile formed in my mouth.

"With this, I can finally go to the places where grandpa Toka forbid me to go."

I was met with a lot of curious gaze as I entered the village. I couldn't blame them though, an unfamiliar face appearing out of the blue is probably rare for them. I ignored their gazes, and went to the village chief's house. I knocked on the door, and announced myself.

"Grandpa Toka, grandma Riula, it's me, Darone."

I can hear the tapping of walking stick coming to the door before it opens. For once, grandpa Toka was the one who opened the door. At first, he was looking at my waist, but quickly looked up as he noticed that my face was no longer at the height he remembered. I smiled, and spoke.

"It's Darone, grandpa Toka. I have evolved yet again."

His jaw dropped at my words. It took him a good few minutes before he snapped out of it, and returned my smile.

"You keep doing something to surprise me, and I will leave this world earlier!"

I laughed and nodded a few times.

"I will keep your words in mind, grandpa Toka."

Grandpa Toka gestured me to come in, and a relaxing smell filled my head. Grandpa Toka kept on smiling, and gestured me to follow. I followed him to a room filled with two five story shelves put against the wall. Each shelf was filled with various herbs and bottles. A large book sat on top of a desk near the window, only a few steps from the door. At the center of it all, I saw grandma Riula grinding herbs, and a young imp sitting in front of her, grasping his stomach. Grandma Riula poured the water inside the grinder into a cup, and put it in front of the young imp.

"Drink this, and I am sure that you will be healed later today. If it is still painful, come again in the morning."

The young imp gulped down the bitter looking medicine, and smiled at grandma Riula.

"Thanks grandma! I'll come visit again sometimes, okay?"

Grandma Riula smiled gently, and nodded at the young imp. The young imp scampered out of the room, and grandma Riula's eyes landed on me.

"Oh my, who is this handsome young man?"

Grandpa Toka chuckled, and shrugged slightly.

"Take a gander, you'll be surprised."

Grandma Riula stared at me intently, before gasping and putting a hand in front of her mouth.

"My word! Is that you, young Darone?"

I nodded with a smile, and sat down across her.

"Yes, grandma Riula."

Grandma Riula was clearly happy, and put away her tools to the bottom shelf.

"Oh my, how you have grown! I believed it was only two months ago that you have just started to hunt outside, was it not?"

I nodded. Grandma Riula slowly stood up, and put a hand on my shoulder.

"Then you are ready to see the world, young Darone. Come, let us talk at the other room. This room is too cramped, see?"

I nodded, and followed the two to the central room. We sat down across each other, and grandpa Toka began to explain.

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