Chapter 21

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The blade fell out of my hand. I couldn't do it. She was my enemy, the one I swore vengeance upon. Yet, here I am, unable to kill the one I called my enemy. The sound of blade hitting a pebble snapped my attention back into reality, and I saw her holding the sword I dropped. The woman, with a warm smile on her face, pointed the hilt of the sword toward me.

"You dropped this."

I couldn't sense any ill intent from her actions, so I reached out and grabbed the hilt of my sword. I put it back in its scabbard, and sat down on the grass.

"Look at me... what kind of leader am I if I cannot even lead my people."

Cupping my head, I released a huge sigh through my mouth. Warm hand rested itself on my shoulder, followed by a gentle, reassuring voice.

"You did a splendid job rallying your people under your banner. The way I see it, you have the ability to not fight those who you hate, but the ability to protect the ones you love."

I slowly opened my eyes and nodded my head.

"You... are probably correct... I..."

I looked at my hands and curled it a few times.

"If talking was possible... I would have done so... I... I do not want to be called a hero anymore."

The woman wrapped her arm around my head, and began patting my head, as if she was comforting a child.

"I know... I know what you have gone through for the sake of your people in the past, and how they returned your kindness with betrayal... Even I could not guarantee you a path with no betrayal in this life."

She put both hands on my cheeks and lifted my chin, making me look at her directly in the eyes.

"But as long as you do not give up... You will one day find those who will treasure you. Someone who will hold you dear in their heart."

Her words struck me. It was so obvious, and yet I was blinded. I knew it, deep in my heart, but I refused to believe it.

My companions, everyone in the Elf village... They all believed in me.

I gently removed her hands from my cheek, and stood up.

"You are right. I have people who put their absolute trust on me... Instead of being swallowed by my past tragedies, I will move on. I will stand up for those who follow me, and I will trust in them as they trust in me."

I turned to the fallen goddess, and nodded deeply.

"Thank you... I will keep your words close to my heart."

The woman laughed, covering her mouth as she does so.

"My true name was lost in the ebbs of time, but the name my husband calls me still stuck with me."

The woman stood up, and introduced herself politely.

"You can call me Myr."

Seeing how she acts, I couldn't help but to feel like I was back at my previous world. I unconsciously saluted her the same way I did with the royalty back there.

"And I am Darone. I apologize for my late introduction."

The two of us looked at each other for a moment, before laughing.

"Would you like to come with me, Myr? I rule a small demi-human settlement in the forest of Elves, and you are welcome to join me."

With a warm smile, Myr nodded.

"I would be delighted. I will also do my best to hide the fact that I was a goddess."

I was about to object, but judging from my own reaction when I first knew what she was, I kept my mouth shut, and just nodded. Myr smiled sweetly before walking toward me.

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