Chapter 7

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It’s 3am and I just can’t go to sleep, I still can’t believe how amazing date Erick and I had last night. He took me to the scariest roller coasters you can imagine, I didn’t want to go on them at first because I’m so scare of them, but he made me feel safe by holding my hand the whole time we were on the rides. After the rides he took me to the haunted house and to be honest that wasn’t scary at all but keeping this between you and me, I was just acting scare so he could hug me the whole time we were there so shhhh… but that’s not the whole reason why I can’t go to sleep, I’m still thinking about how stupid I am for not texting back to Harry, maybe he thinks I don’t wanna be friends with him and the best way to show it was not replying back. I don’t know if I’m over reacting but that’s how I’m feeling right now, if he wanted to be my friends still he would have reply right? Esme what should I do?

*New message* my phone’s screen light up. I wonder who it is at this time; I mean everyone is asleep right now. Well is just a way to find out. I unlock my phone and it was from him!!!

From: Harry

Sorry I didn’t see you message until now, the boys and I were in a meeting, and don’t worry about babe that’s totally fine. I hope I didn’t wake you up. ;) xx

Wow I feel so much better now and yes I was over reacting but it doesn’t matter anymore, he doesn’t hate me. I guess that’s good.

To: Harry

It’s alright you didn’t wake me up and I’m sorry again =(

From: Harry

That’s alright beautiful, you should get some sleep then, it’s pretty late over there. Good Night xx

To: Harry

Good Night and Good Morning to you =) xx

Harry P.O.V

From: Danna

Good Night and Good Morning to you =) xx

I always smile like an idiot when I see her name on my phone; it just makes me feel butterflies. What am I saying? I’m thinking like a girl now but that’s how I feel when I think about Danna, am I in love with her??

“Aww look at Harry, he is blushing I think he is texting Danna” Louis said while all the boys started laughing.

“Boobear!!.. Wait how did you know I was texting Danna?”

“Hazzabear I know you really well by now and I know when you are talking to someone you like” I look at him blushing, this is so embarrassing.

“Harry has a new girlfriend!!!!!!!” Niall said.

“Haha and look at him he is blushing even more” Zayn said.

“Ok guys stop, leave Harry alone” Liam said.

“Aww come on Liam let us have some little fun” Zayn said.

“Shut up Zayn!!!!” I told him. “I think I’m going for a walk, I’ll be back later” I told the boys.

I went to the park and started walking around, while walking I started thinking about Danna. Why is this feeling for her? I just don’t get what it is. Am I falling for her? No, that’s just ridiculous, I just have talked to her once, I can’t be falling for her that fast or can I? I mean she has an amazing personality, I felt so comfortable when I was talking to her. I think we can be a good for each other, but the question is, does she like me? She said she is a Directioner so she might have a crush on me like every other fan but she can have a crush on Zayn, Niall, Louis or Liam as well. Ugh why this have to be so complicated? I guess the only option I have now is just to be her friend.

Danielle P.O.V

After Danna called me at midday and told me about her date with Erick it seemed like she had fun and really likes him and I’m happy for her but at the same time I think about how Harry is gonna take it when finds out I better call Liam and tell him about i,t so he can talk to Harry. I hope he is not asleep.

“Hey babe, how you doing?” my phone didn’t ring to long before Liam answered.

“I’m good babe and you?”

“I’m alright, what’s up?”

“Liam we need to talk about Harry”

“What’s wrong with Harry?”

“I need you to talk to him about Danna, tell him that he needs to take it slow with her and don’t get his hopes up ‘cause I don’t know if Danna likes him and what it seems to me she likes another guy so please babe talk to him about it, I don’t want him to get hurt.”

“Alright I will talk to him, but are you sure that she doesn’t like him?”

“I’m not sure, I haven’t really talked to her about Harry but I guess it wouldn’t be a bad idea asking her who member of the band she likes, you know so it doesn’t….”

I felt a vibration on my ear. I was getting another call and it was from Mark. Omg! I forgot to tell Danna about the audition. Shit!

“Babe, I call you later I’m getting a call from Mark and I need to take it. Love you and please talk to Harry and I’ll do the same thing with Danna. Bye.” I said.

“Alright babe, Love you too. Bye” Liam said. When he hanged up I answered Mark’s call.

“Hey Mark, what’s up?”

“Hey, I was just calling to let you know about Danna’s audition is gonna be next week, I’m gonna get you two tickets to London that’s where we are gonna be auditioning people I hope see you guys there” Mark said.

“Alright Mark, thank you so much”

“You’re welcome and don’t disappoint me”

“I won’t and thanks again. Bye”


Omg! Danna is gonna be so excited about this. I better tell her now so we can start practicing because we have just one week before the audition. I unlock my phone and dial her number.

“Hello” Danna answered.

“Hey Dan, you never gonna believe what I’m gonna tell you”

“Danielle what’s wrong? Don’t scare me please?”

“It’s nothing bad actually it’s the opposite there are amazing news”

“Danielle just tell me!!”

“Ok, don’t freak out though. I talked to my boss Mark and I got you an audition so you can get into the crew with me!!!!!!!”

“No way! Are you serious?”

“Yes I’m serious I really think you have potential for this and I know you can make it big that’s why I talked to Mark.”

“Wow! I don’t know what to say but THANK YOU DANIELLE!!!!!!! It means a lot”

“You’re welcome and before I forget you have a week to get a routine but don’t worry I’m gonna help you. Oh and the most important part we’re going to London next Thursday and you are auditioning on Saturday and don’t worry about the tickets I already got them.

“This amazing, thank you, thank you!!!”

“No problem, so tomorrow morning we starting to rehearse ok”

“Alright and thanks again, you are amazing. Bye”



Hey guys! how you guys doing today? I hope you all doing amazing. What you guys think about this story so far? Please let me know by commenting and vote please.

-Sifrina xx

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