Chapter 3

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( A/N: Hey guys I know I said I was going to upload every day a chapter but I don't want you guys to wait too much so I'm gonna be uploading chapters 3-5 and from now on I'm going to upload a new chapter ever day until chapter 10 like I said before I hope you enjoy it. :)

-Sifrina xx


Danielle P.O.V

The week has past by so fast already but I been having a great with Danna even though she is younger than me by 8 years we get alone pretty well, we have a lot of things in common. I been teaching her some moves so she can better at her dancing, she doesn’t do it too bad, she is pretty awesome. So I decided to talk to my boss about her and see if there’s any chance for her to join the crew I think it would be awesome to have her.

“Mark please give her a try I know she would be good for the crew” I told him

“I don’t know Dani, she is too young” He said.

“Come on, I was her age when I started dancing”

“Ok, fine, she can try it but I’m not saying she is in yet, she has to audition like everyone else did”

“Alright she will, thanks Mark” I said with happiness.

Today I’m sleeping over at Danna’s so I’m going to break it up the news when I’m there, she is gonna be so happy I’m pretty sure about that.

Danna P.O.V

I’m so excited for today Danielle is sleeping over and she promised me she was going to teach new steps. I’m really glad that she is my new dance teacher. *ring-ring* I see the screen of my phone light up. Mm I wonder who is calling?

“Hello” I answered

“Hey Danna, how you been?”

Omg! It was my best friend Cassie I haven’t talk to her since school ended 2 weeks ago. She is an amazing person I know I can trust her with everything. We’re like sisters and the cool part is that she is a Directioner like me but instead of having a crush on Harry, she has a crush on Niall.

“Hey Cassie, I been amazing and you? I miss you so much!” I said excitedly.

“I been great and I miss you too. What you been up to?”

I don’t know if should I tell her about Danielle being my neighbor, she is gonna go crazy when she finds out but I think I’m gonna keep it as a secret for now  ‘cause probably Danielle won’t like people to know she lives here, I better ask her first.

“Not much, well I just started new dance classes which I love, you know how much I love to dance” I giggled “and you?”

“Nothing much, just been home bored and you know listening to 1D as always” she said.

“Haha I know” I said

“Well I was calling you to tell you the good news”

I wonder what is it.

“Are you ready?” she asked. “ONE DIRECTION IS COMING ON TOUR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!” she said excitedly.

I already knew that since a week ago, because Danielle told me when Liam called, but I didn’t want to give her explanation on how I found out before she did.

“How did you find out?”

“Remember the fan page I signed up long time ago?”

“Yes I do remember”

“Well the boys made a video saying about their coming soon tour in the U.S. just for the page”

“Ohh!! Well we should go together then”

“That’s the main reason I was calling you for, I got us two tickets!!!” she said screaming.

“OMG!! I LOVE YOUUUUUUUUUUUU!! For getting us the tickets” I said screaming with excitement.

“I know, I know” we both laughed.


Oh shit! I forgot about Danielle, she is here already and I haven’t prepare nothing for our sleep over.

“Cassie, I got to go, talk to you later and thanks for the tickets” I said with a happy tone.

“Alright, bye Dan”


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