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We switched off driving every other hour. When we finally got there it was 5 in the morning. We went into the hotel we planned to stay at. The person at the front desk told us all of our fees were taken care of by someone else. We were like sweet and didn't think twice about it because we were falling asleep. The bell hop showed us to our room. We put are shit down and fell asleep. When I woke up it was 12. She opened her eyes, then shut them tightly and stretched. I giggled and she smiled when she opened them again,"hey sexy." I smiled. I was up on an elbow watching her as she woke up,"hi honey. Last night wasn't a dream right?"
"you taste really good. I kinda want more."
"thank jesus."
She smiled and put an arm behind her head and the other hand went on her stomach,"I can't believe we made it."
"I know right? Stay like that."
I laid on my side and took her hand on her stomach,"you're so weird." I shrugged,"you're not in my head."
"thank god for that. You're cute when you do little things like this."
I made her hand rub her stomach,"why?"
"because." I smirked at her as I made it go lower,"you're so perverted. It's my fault and I'm proud." I giggled and went even lower,"stoooop, you wank it."
"No it'd be sexier this way."
She took her hand away laughing.
I said,"one day."
"in the shower?"
She smiled and kissed me. I had gotten on her. I noticed a fat stack of money on the dresser. I stopped kissing her and asked,"bae, why's the money out?"
"it's not. I have it."
She looked over and we sat up. But I was still on her lap facing her,"she knew we were coming. That explains this room for two weeks."
"she still got dat cash."
She smiled and moved the hair out of my face,"I love you." I smiled and she put her hands on my hips,"damn baby. Dat ass though." I giggled and kissed her.

A bit later we sat up and I said,"I'm hungry."
She said,"then lets go eat."
I got up with my secret diary writing book and sat in the window sill,"nooo too lazy." She smiled,"fine, I'll call." She glanced over at me and asked,"When am I gonna know how those songs sound?"
"once I can take off my cast." She sighed and ordered. When the guy came up with our food, she started flirting with him. Like hard-core. At first I was like, ok. Then I was like,"hey bitch ass girlfriend, stop tryna get some and give me my food." She flipped me off and he smiled. Then he left and we ate in silence,"what the hell? He wasn't even cute."
"I'm sorry."
"you say that too much. I don't have time for you."
I got up after I finished and started for the balcony,"no, don't be like that." I always ignored her when she did shit like that. She hated it and the more she did it the longer I ignored her,"fine." I went out of our room door. She followed me and tried to talk to me. But I ignored her. She grabbed my arm and pushed me against a wall,"bae, that's not nice. My arm still hurts."
"neither is you messing with my heartstrings."
She sighed and kissed under my ear and whispered,"let me make it up to you. I'm sorry I hurt your arm." She wet kissed me until I giggled at how stupid she was. I pushed her away,"gooooo." She grinned and took my hand. We went to the beach and boys and girls were staring,"damn there's some fine boys here."
"oh great..."
"but you're better."
I smiled and asked as I pushed her away and my ears got red,"why are you stupid?"
"For the same reason you're so violent." She said rubbing her arm.
"you're such a baby."
We decided to sit at one of the beach bars. It was noon so shut up. I got a martini and she got lemonade by Beyoncé not Mike,"what's the fastest way to get money here?" I asked her as she sipped hers,"boys."
"you god damn bimbo."
She smiled,"no really." It wasn't long before we were surrounded by a group of like 10 guys. She gave me that look like let's mess with this. This cute kid with glasses who had a beer sat next to me and I was like,"alright, what do you want?"
He said,"talk." This beefed up dude was like,"you." The others in the group responded accordingly.
Jade,"I'll show you. Um, I'm not sure which one though." I drank some of glasses' beer and was like,"I call glasses."
"aww come on. He's like perfect. How old is he?"
"18." He said.
I said,"You picked first last time. I take home glasses."
Another guy was like,"I wanna go. Pick me." Then they all went nuts.
Jade said,"I really wanted glasses though. I ain't going higher than 20."
I laughed,"if he's cute 21." She giggled.
I said,"take muscles. He's cute."
He said,"20."
I looked at her she shrugged and looked him over,"maybe, wait no. He's too small."
I laughed,"omg, but his face."
"I ain't gonna ride a small."
"you already are though bae." I said she smiled as this one guy was like,"I'll give you 20 fucking dollars for a threesome each, 16."
She said,"me too. Come here."
Soon all the boys were like giving us money. My smile disappeared when I watched her let that kid whisper in her ear, her giggle, and him slip money into her pants. But then glasses held my hand and brought me back.
I said,"I want a beach party."
"agreed next, next Saturday?"
I looked in the back of the group and there was this dark dyed black haired, beautiful, mysterious boy. He was so perfect and caramel. He glimpsed at me but then he looked away like he was kinda disappointed. He didn't say anything. But with the way his blue eyes were shining made him more gorgeous. Soon me and Jade snuck away from the crowd of boys and started our way back to the hotel with 80$. I mumbled under my breath,"slut."
And she was like,"why? I did it for my mom we needed the money right?"
I said,"okay sure. Whatever just drop it."
She wanted to get coffee. I was like,"okay let's go get coffee." Then we went back. We didn't really talk on the way back to the hotel. When we got in I refuse to look at or even talk to her. I sat in the window sill and put my headphones in and began writing in my song book. She kept on trying to apologize saying things like oh Scyles I'm so sorry, I want to make it up to you. Please talk to me. When I didn't respond and turned my music up she got pissed off. She took my headphones out and in the process broke them,"god damn it when will you grow the fuck up Scyles?" I stood up and was fuming. She backed up. Everything I ever had from the drugs to my car to my headphones, I worked for and I bought. It pissed me off when she broke them,"what the hell? I'm sorry, did you want me to listen to you're lame ass excuses again, so I can nod and say its ok don't let it happen again?! Will that make the little self centered bitch happy?! I can't just forgive you every time, when you keep going back with your god damned violin bow playing songs with my heart strings! You keep fucking hurting me and I'm tired of this shit. You treat me like I'm your side fuck buddy, I'm not. I thought we were dating, now please move the hell outta my way. I have to get new fucking headphones." She stayed for a second then she moved and I stormed out.

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