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Ch. 9🌟

I looked up at mom and she was fuming. I got up,"mom please no. She was playing around... We were... Please no. Please calm down."
"move tiny." She gently pushed me aside and threw Jade against a wall like she was a doll. I fell into this old habit where I started chewing on the cuff of my long sleeved shirt which was a nervous habit I had when Jade was in trouble,"You've been abusing this poor girl for weeks? I'm gonna need that to stop."
I said crying nervously,"No, its ok now, she stopped a few days afore we landed." Mom kept pushing her around,"What the hell did she do to deserve that? And what the fuck did I tell you a couple days ago?" Jasper fell and hit her head really hard. I cried harder, I knew her mom would rock her shit to teach her a lesson. But I didn't want her to go through what I went through. So I went in front of her just as her mom was about to hit her and it hurt terribly to defend her. I held her mom's hand away with all my weak strength,"no mommy please. Don't."
"honey, move. I don't want her to touch you again."
"She said she was sorry, please stop hurting her. She doesn't deserve it. She promised to treat me better."
"she sure as hell does deserve everything she's about to get. No ones allowed to hit you. Remember Capraisa? Not even you're allowed to hurt her." She moved me away.
"Mommy please I'm sorry I was drunk. I was pissed off because you were gone and it was a hard transit..." Her mom slapped her,"I don't give a fuck if you were mad a God. You thought I was joking when I said I knock you into last week? You better start praying honey." Jade held out her hands,"mommy please I'm begging you. I'm so sorry. I'll never touch her again. I've changed. I stopped drinking." She picked her up and dragged her into her room,"you got that from you're fucking father. I guess I'm gonna have to teach you that lesson huh?" I sat helplessly on the bed and listened to Jade scream and cry as her mom knocked Jade into next week,"what the fuck did I tell you?! What the fuck did I say?"
"Jesus! I'm sorry. You said not to touch her and I did." Then there was a crash,"exactly Scyles!"
"Yes ma'am?"
"She cracked your rib and broke your shoulder didn't she?"
Tears streamed down,"she stomped my back too ma'am."
"She's been broken and quiet dealing with a pain similar to child birth to protect your selfish pig ass for almost a week?!" Another crash,"what the fuck is wrong with you? She could have died on that plane ride. She could be internally bleeding dumb ass. I can't believe you, fucking, little..." Jade let out an scream I've never heard before. After she punished Jade she came out of the room and pushed her on the bed. I looked at her and she would have a small black eye and she was holding her head crying silently. I reached out towards her and mom held my hand away,"take off your shirt let me see what she did to you to see if I have to bruise the other eye. You better not be lying about this ever again. Abuse is not something you ever cover up for nobody you got me smalls?" I nodded and took off my top but it hurt so she helped. Mom shook her head and stepped back,"you thought that was ok to take your anger out on a little girl her size because you knew she wouldn't tell on you." I said,"I'm black snitches get stitches."
"Ya well your getting some today. It's not even worth it to cover up. Honey stand up." I did and she looked at my chest and stomach,"the break is so bad it's bruising your skin. Turn around. I did and she shook her head,"her back is healing you're lucky Capraisa."
"I don't feel lucky."
"Because you're busted up. Cmon you too. We're taking a freaking trip." She took my hand and Jade and we all went to the hospital. When we got there, the doctors were floored. Mom was a very well known doctor. She just walked in like she owned the place,"please get me into an operation room this instant. I have an emergency that I need to attend to." The lady at the front desk nodded and called the head doctor for an opening. Then mom walked back to the emergency room. She went down the hall and pulled doctors that were free to come help her left and right. She even picked this big guy named Anton to carry me. When she got to the X-ray room, she had me laid down on my back in this room and closed the door. I looked around and then towards the window. Jade was there with her hands against the glass, and like ten different doctors looking on behind her. She looked sad. I wanted to get up and make her feel better, like when we were at her dad's house. I wanted to be in her arms again. I reached out towards her and she smiled, I smiled as well. When I was raised up and adjusted for the X-ray. I sighed and looked around more. Then I heard moms voice,"talk to me baby, how you feeling?"
"I want you or Jade to sing to me again."
She laughed again. Jade noticed I was crying and told her mom,"why are you crying? Jade is ok. You know she doesn't bruise easily." I wiped my eyes and said,"good. It just feels really tight in here. I don't wanna be alone." Mom said after a minute,"alright just hang tight and only move when I say. They're gonna get the X-rays I need to fix your chest. What's the pain like?"
"a lot. It hurts to move now."
"ok just give me a minute alright?"
"kay. Jade, I love you."
Jade laughed and mouthed back I love you too stupid. I smiled a bit. They got X-rays for my front and back. Anton came in and picked me up and carried me into a room where I was laid down,"I'll be back sweetheart."
"thanks for abusing your authority."
"and risking my degree? Anything for my baby girls." Jade got an ice pack for the side of her face. Then mom left,"its gonna take an hour or two for the results of the X-ray with mom being in charge like she is. But you already know what's wrong with you." I nodded and drank from the juice box a cute nurse gave me,"my rib is broken. I don't know what's wrong with my back or what rib it is." She nodded and sat next to me. I rested my head on her shoulder. That nurse came in again and went to the other side of the room to help a different patient in a different room because mom got me my own room. Jade put the ice pack down and said quietly,"You keep staring at her instead of me."
"I'm giving my eyes a break." I said quietly smiling. She laughed a bit and kissed my forehead,"ya ok baby. Tell me what it is."
I bit my lip smiling and said,"Her boobs are like perfect."
She chuckled,"I agree."
"She's gotta be les or some shit. She isn't apart of the team mom pulled together."
"but you want her on your team?"
I bit my lip again,"hell ya."
"you're right, she didn't have to buy you that juice. Maybe she was being nice."
"either way I'd thank her right."
We both giggled quietly,"I'd love to help you with that Scy."
"Of course but, for real baby, I wanna play with her."
"aha ya bae. You could hit easily, but I think you'd be too shy."
"you know me better. How old do you think she is?"
Jade thought for a second then said,"no older than 22 maybe 19 at the youngest. I dare you to thank her when she passes."
I smiled,"I will but then you have to kiss me."
She laughed,"I don't think this bed is big enough for three." We giggled again. A few minutes later I was laying down curled up to Jade with my head on her lap. Jade was playing with my hair. The nurse was passing and I said,"hey, thank you for the juice miss."
She stopped and said smiling,"aw, look at you. You're welcome sweetheart." Her voice was gorgeous. I was holding Jade's hand and at the sound of the nurses voice her skin jumped. I smiled a bit because my voice did something way sexier to her. Just as she was about to start walking away again, Jade asked,"how old are you anyway?"
The nurse chuckled a bit and said,"19. You two couldn't be any older than 17, 16 at the youngest." Jade and I glanced at each other and smiled. So she was listening. I went up on an elbow and said,"we're 17."
"well that's fancy, isn't it? Look here." She looked at her watch then back at us,"I'm off work like right now..."
"Aw, but I like talking with you. You're so pretty, I wanna know how I can get that pretty." I stated.
Jade said laid back,"no, you want something else tiny."
The nurse chuckled a bit and looked around,"you want to talk? I actually want to ask you some questions."
I sat up then and said,"come sit with us." She did cautiously and crossed her legs to get more comfortable. I looked from her cleavage to her face,"what questions?"
"yes, what happen to your chest? Gossip is going all around the nurse staff and the doctors about that..." She stopped for a split second, I was looking at her boobs as well, but she was looking, I was glancing,"about your chest and back. Some lady just up and took over the hospital and over powered the people in charge." I smiled as she moved her beautiful blonde hair out of her face,"yup that's my mom. She's queen bee at her work."
The nurse said,"I guess so huh? I'm Christy by the way." Of course that was her name. Blonde and beautiful. We introduced ourselves and she said,"omg I love your guy's names. Are you sisters?"
"nope, were dating." Christy was looking at my boobs again,"Oh really?" She met Jade's eyes then. Jade nodded,"yup. I know right?"
"I like her titties too." Jade smiled and Christy laughed a bit,"I'm sorry, That's not why... I mean like... She is pretty adorable you're a lucky girl Jade."
Jade said,"I know right? Sky is the best." At that Jade kissed me and I smiled as my ears got red. Christy looked at us and bit her lip then looked away from us. When Jade stopped I said,"lol sorry. I was going to say thank you, you're pretty adorable too." She was checking us both out now. She laughed,"thanks sweetie. Can I ask, where it hurts? Because I helped out with something that sounds similar."
"Oh really?" She nodded biting her lip. Thus making herself look even sexier. I looked down and pointed right under my left tit,"Its like right around here."
"oh is it ok..."
"ya, I don't care." She got closer to me and I loved it. Jade was watching because she was ready to pounce,"so its like there? That's where your ribs are." She 'accidentally' touched my boob,"oh, sorry." We both looked at each other and I took her hand and put it against my chest and she kissed me. I smiled a bit as her other hand stroked Jade's leg. I ended up on Jade's lap and she was in front of us. I was kissing her chest and she was kissing Jade. She sat next to us and somehow I got on my good side in between them. She was kissing me. Her hand squeezed my boob and Jade was grabbing my ass kissing down my neck. Christy had her shirt open then,"mmm I bet your a twink."
"maybe. Please don't stop now Chrissy." I begged.
"fuck you're both so damn cute." Soon Christy was in my pants and I was sandwiched between them both. Jade was kinda humping my ass and they were both kissing each other,"ya Jade, don't be nice."
"Fuckin' make her beg for it. Christy." She got so deep I thought I was gonna blow up. I started moaning and both of them grinded harder,"oh fuck." Was all I could manage to utter. I buried my face in her boobs when it started to hurt,"Good girl, take it." Then she stopped playing me when I heard mom outside the door. I moaned as she took her hand out of my pants and rubbed after it was in Jade's mouth. As I relaxed, Mom came in as Christy was kissing me. Jade had me in her arms and was kissing my shoulder as I had grabbed Christy's rack. She made the doctor she was with go away before he saw. She locked and closed the door and cleared her voice. At that we all stopped and sat up. I pulled my pants up, Jade put her shirt back on, and Christy buttoned her shirt and quickly got up,"well, Thanks for showing me, I hoped I helped." We both nodded. Christy said fixing her hair and walking towards the door,"text me when you're 18 we could have some fun. Bye cuties." She waved and we were like,"bye Christy." And she left. Mom looked at both of us,"what the hell is wrong with you two?"
Jade said as she laid back,"what is hormones?" Her mom put her face in her hand and said,"I could hear you three 7 rooms down."
I laid back and said,"my bad."
"why do you look so pale? You had color in your face when we first got here."
"I don't know."
"it's a few of your ribs. One is broken poking your lung barely and the other one is terribly fractured from the back. God It smells like team spirit in here."
"That's Christy's fault." We both said.
Mom said as she sat next to me in a chair and poked around in my stomach gently,"how old is Christy?"
"19." Jade sighed.
"you tell her you guys were 17?" We nodded. She looked over at my empty juice,"So that's how she did it? She bought Sky juice and it was love at first glance of her titties huh?"
I giggled,"maybe."
"I don't like how you're looking sick. We're gonna have to knock you out and operate, I wanna get this done asap so no more flirting with the nurses. I'll be back in 15 minutes." She left and Jade rubbed the soreness out,"shit, I haven't heard you cry and beg like that since the first time I fingered you."
"That was a gang bang."
"just a small one. You loved it and it felt good, you know it did."
"bae, we can't play for a while. That hurt but felt so good."
"ya, I know. I wish I could've been the one to get you off though."
"it's ok. I love you for this."
She laughed,"I know you need yours pet after, to calm down."
I sighed and put an arm behind my head and looked at her,"I'm so glad you understand." She put her hand on my stomach and looked back at me,"your first threesome."
"omg take a picture, I like how you felt against my ass."
She laughed and raised an eyebrow,"really? Anal?"
"I told you how I felt about that already." She laughed and I yawned and squeaked in pain,"aww baby." She put her arms around me and held me. She did take a picture of us and posted it on the gram. Everyone was like aw because I looked adorable and Jade looked like the perfect gf in the picture and before you knew it, Tiffany showed up. My mom was helping me into a wheelchair,"alright babes, after the anetheistic you should be ok." Tiffany was with some friends from school,"that won't work mom." I said half asleep because I was napping with Jade. She stopped in front of our friends and Jade stretched,"why Scy? You're already half asleep."
"I'd have to fall in love with Jade again, because she had me head over heels since day one." Mom was like,"aww. She's still grounded." And one of my friends got it on video and Jade kissed my cheek then slapped Tiffany playfully as we went to the operating room. They put me on another bed and soon I was asleep.

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