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Tiffany looked entertained. Jasper turned her head and looked down,"babe, I know it's..." I got mad, and growled through my tears,"no you don't know." She looked at me and I wiped my eyes. We ignored the others,"I'm so..."
"no." I held my hand out then looked up and put my hands on my head. I was beyond pissed. She came over to me and almost touched me but I pushed her as I said,"how can you, be fucking sorry all the time, if you keep going back, to the same freaking hoes?" Then I looked at Tiffany after Jas fell on the ground and I kicked her side. I pointed and everyone looked at her and moved away,"and you." I stormed towards her but Smith held me back,"no Scyles." Caleb was holding her away and more people came over to help keep us away from each other,"wipe that god damned smile off your face! Is this what you mother fuckin' wanted you bitch? To break us apart? Just because I wouldn't go home with you? What did I do to you?!"
"you had it coming bitch!"
"No, screw you. I didn't do a damn thing to you but it doesn't matter. You fucking won, you can have that damn slut Tiffany! Guys let go, I'm ok I swear." They let me go but kept hold of her,"you can have this lying smut."
"shut your whore mouth Scy! She's not a slut you are. Who ends up with Cale when you guys fight?"
Mom was like,"hey!" The same time Jasper and Caleb said it too,"she's not a smut and you are a whore. Who has a steady fucking 50 one night stand streak for banging a different girl every night?" Caleb said. That caused an uproar of arguing that stopped as soon as mom whistled,"Alright everyone listen up and sit your dirty mouth asses down somewhere." I protested and she gave me the mom evil eye and everyone else sat but me. Jasper said,"Tiffany, stop insulting her. She's dangerous when she's like this." Mom agreed and I continued to stand,"sit your god damn ass down before I get mad." I did slowly next to the boys,"you too Mister." He stopped growling at Tiffany and laid across Ivy's lap,"I'm gonna be straight up with you guys and clear somethings up. I don't know a lot of you so don't get offended. Firstly, little miss... Uh, boobies." She said pointing at Tiffany. The boys and some of the girls laughed a bit,"yes you. Please take the stand." She stood up and mom continued,"you seem like a bitch. Now, I don't know. You might actually have a heartbeat but I don't know. From what I see, puppies don't like you so I don't like you and sleeping with that many girls will give you clitomita and other stds. I'm a doctor. I gotta educate them while they're young." Tiff nodded. Mom said,"Now Ivy and the one petting Mister Jones, please stand up." They did and mom said in a nice mom voice,"hey girls, is boobs name Tiffany?" They giggled and nodded. I rested my head against moms leg and she looked down at me,"Alex." I said. Mister barked and wagged his stump tail. She put him down and he limped up to Alex and kinda nooded at mom. Mom said,"Capra please take the stand as well." She stood,"now girls, this isn't Jasper's house or small's house. It's Mister's and my house so I dare boobs to tell me differently. Therefore, I rule in favor of Ivy. Alex may stay as long as she wishes." Mister tried to jump in circles barking. I smiled through my never ceasing tears,"case closed, Ivy and freckles may be seated." Mom looked at Tiffany,"anyone you would like to call to the stand?"
"yes your honor, your daughters."

Mom sighed smiling,"that's what only you may call me Tiffany." Tiffany smiled and Jade stood next to me. Mom,"get up Scyles."
"Mommy, I can't."
"why? Do you want to lose your case?"
"the defendant and her mistress took out my shoulder, and leg." Everyone booed them and mini arguments were heard. Mom whistled,"people of the court! Get ahold of your teenage-selves." Everyone was quiet and Jade held out her hand to me. I looked up at her and cried more,"c'mon, friends till the end. Even if you don't like it. Let me keep that promise." I took her hand and her and mom helped me stand. Jade put an arm around me to hold me up,"now boobs, look at this poor adorable girl. Look what you've done to my babies, the bond was built to last, but you're hell bent on snapping it and Scyles. Why are you such a monster? Now I really don't like you." Mister started growling at her and my mom stomped her foot and scared him,"order in the court, Mister Jones if you can't control yourself go cuddle with someone. My apologies miss titty, please continue." Everyone laughed and Mister laid at my feet. He was not hearing any of her lies,"well, I'm not..." Mister whined. She tried again,"I'm not..." He whined louder and mom sighed,"Mister one more outburst and you will be removed from this court along with everyone else." He was a sassy puppy. He made this weird noise between a bark and a whine and my mom said,"that was your last straw. Court dismissed please leave with all of your sacks of hormones. Except these three. Eavesdroppers will be kicked out." Everyone left and I winced in pain,"sit on the couch you three. Here tiny take a SIP. Alcohol is a great pain killer." She had a glass of white wine. I drank some,"I know mom. Where's the bottle?"
"downstairs. Don't blow out a kidney kid."
Tiffany said when we were all sitting,"I wasn't trying to hurt anyone, I swear. I admit the hanging out did get a little to far but that was like once. She never wanted to play, I always had to force her to."
Jasper said,"Scyles, I felt horrible, I still do but I didn't go over there all the time because I wanted to make out..." Mom got up and left,"I'm kinda missing weed and she has it." I looked at them both and wiped my eyes. Remember when I was missing weed and she thanked me for giving it up? But when she's missing it, she goes to get it,"I'm a slut ok? Don't disagree just listen. I'm a talentless fugly, ignorant, slut who has no future. I don't care what happens anymore." I got up,"I deserve all the pain that is dealt to me. So thank you for this leg thing and for making sure my shoulder never heals. It was kind of you to do so." I went into the bathroom and continued as I wet a cloth and wrung it out,"I finally understand. I'm too nice, and that's why you cheat right?"
"well sure it is. Let me finish." I said blankly as I limped back to them kinda,"she punched me and you stood there. She tried to kick out little Alex you stood there. I hope you two have an awesome time together. You both are perfect for each other." I gave Tiffany the rag,"what's..."
"your eye is bleeding."
"oh, thank you."
Jas stood up in front of me,"no, I promised and so did you..."
"a promise is meaningless if its broken."
"Scyles, baby don't do this..."
"I'm tired of being a second choice. It's not a relationship this way baby. We're still friends though and thanks for the run. It's actually breaking my heart to do this. Now the pieces are too small to bandage."
She started tearing up,"baby, stop it. I swear it was nothing."
"if it was nothing you woulda broke her neck when she punched me."
"babe, I..."
"no more excuses, tbh I was starting to second guess this anyways."
Her head jolted up,"what?"
"when we first got to the hotel I was wondering if I even liked you like this."
I watched her heart break to my lies and it felt so good to make her feel some pain,"it wasn't meant to be. I should've told you earlier on. I'm sorry Jasper." She started crying. Then she put a hand to her head,"no." She shook her head,"its, its not true. I- it just isn't. It felt so real and like, we were growing closer."
"I didn't want to hurt you so I played along."
She was so lost she sat back down,"you're lying to me! Stop it Scyles!"
"Jasper, I'm sorry." I cried.
"why would you hurt me like this? Why would you fake it for so long?"
I've never seen her so upset before. Tiffany was faking so hard like she cared. I thought she was gonna burst out laughing,"you gave me the worst and ok experiences being with a girl. You were my first and only but, the bad really turned me off. I tried to find it again but I couldn't and you just kept giving me reason not to." Tiffany was rubbing her back and comforting her. Jasper collected herself and said staring at the floor,"what could I have done? Why didn't you say something?"
"because I knew it would break you. You couldn't have done anything honey. It's funny because this always happens to me. I was just starting to get back into you but then you disappeared to her house and I made my decision."
Tiffany said blankly,"jesus, I ruin everything."
Jas lost it then. She pushed Tiffany away and stood up,"don't ever speak to me again. You pissed on my heart, for weed and to try to take me from her. She was my life, my heart and soul, my love, my future, she's my everything. Something you will never be to me, and you mother fucking fucked us over. Thank you whore." She looked at me. That's how I knew she was telling the truth about the weed,"I'm gonna fucking..." She got up and locked herself in the bathroom and just wept,"get the fuck out both of you." We left and mom pulled me aside,"Well?" I took her into her room and told her the reason why I broke up with her,"well ok that was a good move. You deserve to be treated better. I understand. She probably didn't like that but shrugged it off." I told her that's not exactly what she did. Then I told mom that I lied to her because I didn't want to fall back in love with Jasper,"Scyles, no she must be heart broken. You have to tell the truth kiddo, I understand your train of thought but you have to be straight up with people like I am."
"I wanted her to feel how I feel."
"that's kinda heartless."
"what she did to me was kinda heartless."
"two lefts make a circle honey. I hope she doesn't hurt herself. Go play."
I left and she ran upstairs.

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