Day After

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A/N: Hellos! I am back with another chapter!

Thank you guys so much for the reads and votes! 💖


On with the chapter!

Jinyoung regretted drinking so much the night before.

He threw up the moment he woke up in the morning. Jaebum woke up by the sound of Jinyoung and went over to be by his side.

After Jinyoung was down, he flushed the toilet and leaned back against his boyfriend.

"I feel like shit," Jinyoung said, which Jaebum chuckled at.

"This is what happens when you drink Nyoungie," Jaebum said.

Jinyoung sighed. He felt tired and felt sticky from yesterday night.

Speaking of last night, Jinyoung hadn't felt the pain until now.

Jinyoung rubbed his lower back. Jaebum noticed and picked Jinyoung up and took him to the bed.

"Thank you," Jinyoung said as he snuggled into his boyfriends chest.

Jaebum smiled softly. "You're welcome baby," he said and kissed Jinyoungs lips. Jinyoung smiled, happy to be with the person he loves.

Jinyoung bit Jaebums shoulder, trying not to make any sounds as Jaebum thrusted into him.

They were in the shower, Jaebum had Jinyoung pined on the shower wall. Jinyoungs arms and legs wrapped around his boyfriend.

Jinyoung threw his head back as Jaebum hit his spot. Jinyoung bit his lip, trying to not make a single sound.

Jaebum kissed Jinyoungs lips, Jinyoung instantly opened his mouth for him, Jaebum slipped his tongue inside.

Jinyoungs moans were covered by them kissing.

Jinyoung was close to his edge and he noticed that his lover was too.

Not long after, they both came, Jaebum coming inside of the younger.

They both panted, catching their breath.

"Jaebummie, we should actually shower now," Jinyoung said, starting to get sleepy.

Jaebum nodded and helped Jinyoung down and they both showered.

Jinyoung wore Jaebums shirt and what Jinyoung wore yesterday, while Jaebum wore one of Jackson's shirts and the other things he wore yesterday.

They both walked downstairs, knowing that both Jackson and Mark are already there.

Before they did, Jaebum pulled Jinyoung in for a kiss, the both of them of them smiled.

Jinyoung intertwined their fingers together before they walked into the kitchen, where both Mark and Jackson are.

"Good morning you two," Mark said smiling at them.

"Good morning," they both replied.

Jackson looked at the both of them with a smug smile. Jaebum gave him a look that said 'don't you dare say anything,' and Jackson kept his mouth shut.

Both Jaebum and Jinyoung sat down at the table and Mark got up to go get their food.

The both of them thanked Mark and ate their food.

"I'm surprised this place isn't a mess," Jinyoung said, teasing his friend. Jackson rolled his eyes.

"Well my lovely boyfriend here helped me this morning with cleaning," Jackson said, proud of his boyfriend and his accomplishment.

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