School Play & Party

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A/N: Hello! I am back with a new chapter!

I somewhat have time to update now!

Sorry that this story has slower updates than Soulmates >__>

Hopefully, I can update this story more often.



As the day of the school play got closer, both Jaebum and Jinyoung had to spend their time rehearsing.

Of course, Jinyoung was careful not stress or work too hard.

His boyfriend made sure of it.

Jaebum almost got into multiple fights with the others for making sure that Jinyoung was fine.

"Jaebummie stop!" Jinyoung said, wrapping his arms around Jaebums neck.

It was Jaebum's third almost-fight that week.

Luckily, Jinyoung was there every time that Jaebum almost fought people.

Jaebum started to calm down after Jinyoung had touched him. Jaebum turned to walk away, Jinyoung following him.

Jaebum stopped in the middle of the hallway and sighed, his anger starting to go away,

Jinyoung caught up with his boyfriend. "Jaebummie..." Jinyoung said, going in front of his lover, pulling his hands on Jaebums cheeks.

Jaebum looked down at Jinyoung and sighed. "I'm sorry baby," Jaebum said, wrapping his arms around Jinyoungs waist, pulling him close.

Jinyoung smiled and wrapped his arms around his boyfriends neck.

"Say sorry to our baby too," Jinyoung said pouting. Jaebum chuckled and went down on his knees.

"Appa is sorry for yelling and probably scaring you," Jaebum said, kissing Jinyoungs stomach.

Jinyoung smiled softly and ran his fingers through Jaebums hair.

Jaebum smiled and kissed Jinyoungs stomach again before he got up and kissed Jinyoungs plump lips.

"We should go back," Jinyoung said. Jaebum nodded and took Jinyoungs hand in his and they walked back to the auditorium to continue practice.

It was the day.

Jinyoung nervously paced back and forth.

He fidgeted with his fingers and bit his bottom lip nervously.

He then felt arms around him, hugging him from behind.

Jinyoung flinched a bit but he saw who's arms were around him and calmed, leaning his back against their chest.

"I can feel your nervousness from all the way where I was," Jaebum said. Jinyoung sighed and leaned his head on his boyfriends shoulder.

"I'm sorry, I'm really nervous..." Jinyoung said pouting. Jaebum chuckled. "I know Nyoungie, just try to calm down okay?" Jaebum said, kissing the side of Jinyoungs neck.

Jinyoung nodded and took deep breathes in and out, calming down.

Jaebum smiled and kissed the top of his lovers head.

Jinyoung smiled.

"Ready?" Jaebum asked. Jinyoung nodded and they both went, hand in hand, and lined up to go to the stage, ready to start.

It was a success.

The crowd clapped loudly as they all bowed down in the end of it.

Jaebum and Jinyoung looked at each other happily, their hands still intertwined together.

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