Wedding Preparations

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Both Jaebum and Jinyoung was woken up by a cry.

"Don't worry baby, I'll get him," Jaebum said and Jinyoung nodded sleepily.

Jaebum got up and walked to the newborns room.

"Hey Jaeyoung-ah, appa is here," Jaebum said smiling at his newborn son.

The baby stopped crying and stared at his father.

Jaebum smiled, his eye smile showing.

The newborn then smiled, making Jaebums heart melt at how cute the baby was.

Jaebum then pick up his son and went over to his and Jinyoungs bedroom.

He saw Jinyoung still laying there with his eyes closed. Jaeyoung made a noise when he saw his mother and Jinyoung opened his eyes.

Jinyoung instantly smiled and made grabby hands at his fiancé.

Jaebum chuckled and walked over to their bed and laid the baby between him and Jinyoung.

"Hi baby!" Jinyoung said and started playing with the newborn.

Jaebum went back into the bed and watched his lover and his son.

"Are you doing anything today?" Jaebum asked after a while.

Jinyoung nodded. "Mark-hyung and I will go and look for things for the wedding," he replied.

Jaebum pouted. "I can't go?" He said, sounding offended that his lover would do stuff of their wedding without him.

"I can't have you seeing what I'm going to wear to our wedding Jaebummie," Jinyoung said with sass.

Jaebum shook his head and smiled.

"Then look at things for our wedding, the both of us," Jinyoung said and Jaebum nodded.

He then took Jinyoungs hand in his and lifted it to his lips, kissing Jinyoungs ring on his finger.

Jinyoung smiled and the both of them intertwined their fingers together.

"I love you," Jaebum said, looking into Jinyoungs eyes.

"I love you too Bummie," Jinyoung said, smiling as their eyes met.

A giggle was heard and they both looked down to see their bundle of miracle smiling at the both of them.

"Someone likes to see their parents saying things of love to each other," Jaebum said, making Jinyoung laugh.

"Well I get why," Jaebum said, making Jinyoung confused.

"Why?" He asked.

"He was made from both our love," Jaebum said smiling and Jinyoung blushed, rolling his eyes and hitting his fiancé.

Jaebum laughed. "Don't say things like that!" Jinyoung said.

Jaebum kept saying things that made Jinyoung blush and Jinyoung kept hitting Jaebum.

The newborn baby looked between his parents and smiled and giggled at things that they did and said.

"Say bye to appa!" Jinyoung said, waving the baby's hand.

"Bye Jaeyoung-ah!" Jaebum said smiling at his adorable son and his lover.

"I'll see you later Bummie," Jinyoung said after he put the baby in the stroller.

Jaebum nodded and then pulled Jinyoung close to him.

Jinyoung looked up at him. Jaebum leaned down and kissed Jinyoungs lips.

Pregnant?! //JJP AUWhere stories live. Discover now