Gender Reveal

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A/N: Hello!

So, I will be updating this story again before I update my other story Soulmates so I can get more chapters in this one.

Sorry for taking so long to update them!!!

I hope you guys like this chapter! ^^


Jaebum and Jinyoung got to the doctors and Jinyoung took a clipboard and filled out the information that was needed and turned it in.

"What do you want it to be?" Jinyoung asked him.

"It doesn't matter what it would be. I just want our baby to be healthy," Jaebum said, putting his hand on Jinyoungs stomach.

Jinyoung smiled happily and nodded.

"Jinyoung-ssi?" The nurse asked.

Jinyoung stood up and Jaebum followed him, their hands intertwined.

The nurse lead them into a room and told Jinyoung to lay on the medical bed and wait for the doctor.

The both of them said thanks and waited.

Jinyoung started fidgeting with his fingers.

"Nervous?" Jaebum asked him. Jinyoung looked over at his boyfriend and nodded. Jaebum smiled and held Jinyoungs hand.

"Don't be. Hopefully everything is well and we'll be able to see what our baby's gender is," Jaebum said smiling.

Jinyoung nodded and smiled. "You're right," Jinyoung said, leaning in to kiss his boyfriends cheek.

Jaebum smiled and they both waited for the doctor to get there.

There were knocks on the door and the door opened, revealing the doctor.

"Hello, how are you both doing today?" The doctor asked.

"Good," they both replied.

The doctor nodded. "Can you please put your shirt up so I can put the gel on?" The doctor said and Jinyoung nodded, moving his shirt up, showing his tummy.

The doctor put the cool gel on Jinyoungs stomach, making Jinyoung flinch a bit, and turned on the machine, moving the stick around.

Jinyoungs hand found his boyfriends, Jaebum squeezing his hand.

"Everything looks good. Do you want to find out the gender of the baby?" The doctor asked.

Both Jaebum and Jinyoung looked at each other and then back at the doctor, nodding.

The doctor smiled.

"Congratulations! It's a boy," he said and Jinyoung instantly felt arms around him, then he felt tears.

Jinyoung smiled and wrapped his arms around his boyfriends neck, hugging him also.

The doctor smiled and told them that he was going to get the sonogram and left the couple alone.

"Thank you," Jaebum said, repeating the same thing again and again.

Jinyoung smiled softly. "For what Jaebummie?" Jinyoung asked.

Jaebum looked up and pecked Jinyoungs lips.

"For giving me a chance to be an appa, for our baby that is healthy," Jaebum said, smiling.

Jinyoung smiled, happy about what his boyfriend was telling him.

"Thank you for loving me and being with me," Jaebum continued and he kissed his boyfriend on the lips, the both of them smiling happily.

Pregnant?! //JJP AUWhere stories live. Discover now