Graduation & Proposal

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A/N: Hello! I am back!

Sooooo, here's the chapter where JB proposes to Jinyoung :)

Also, I wanted to update this story first before I updated the other one lol


It is finally their graduation day.

Both Jaebum and Jinyoung waking up early for the day that they both had been waiting for.

More Jaebum since it was the day that he was going to propose to his Jinyoung.

They both showered, having taken more time than they were supposed to, and got dressed and went to the school.

"You look beautiful Jinyoungie," Jaebum said, looking at his lover up and down.

Jinyoung smiled happily, his eye whiskers showing.

They both wore tuxes, Jinyoungs five month pregnant tummy showing.

"You look handsome Jaebummie," Jinyoung said, smiling at his boyfriend. Jaebums hair was styled so that his forehead was showing, hair pulled back. Jinyoungs was to the side.

(A/N: how they had it in the Hard Carry series)

They both walked hand in hand to the school, seeing other people there as well.

"Yo Jaebum-ah! Ready to graduate?" One of Jaebums friends, Youngjae, called out to him. "Yeah I am," Jaebum replied smiling.

"Wow, we made it this far huh?" Youngjae said, looking around him. Jaebum nodded, looking around also. Youngjae then looked over at Jinyoung and smiled. "Hello Jinyoung-ssi! Keeping Jaebum in check?" Youngjae said jokingly.

Jinyoung laughed, putting his hand over his mouth while he laughed. "Yes I am," he replied, going along with the joke. Jaebum hit his best friends arm. "Stop making fun of me!" Jaebum said as both his lover and best friend laughed.

"Jinyoung!" Jinyoung heard his name being called from behind him, looking to see his own best friend.

"Wonpil!" Jinyoung said, waving over his friend.

"Can you believe we're graduating?" Wonpil said. Jinyoung smiled. "That's what Youngjae-ssi was saying," Jinyoung laughed.

Wonpil smiled and they both started to talk before they were interrupted by the principal telling them to go inside.

Inside they were met with Mark, Jackson, Youngjae, Yugyeom, and BamBam.

"Appa! Omma!" BamBam said, running up to them and hugging them. The other four following behind BamBam and doing the same.

"We're graduating~" Youngjae sang. Everyone smiled at Youngjae.

"I'm going to miss you guys!" Jackson said, sniffing.

"We're still going to see each other," Jinyoung said. Everyone rolled their eyes at their dramatic friend.

"Students! Maybe I have your attention!" The principal of the university said.

Everyone quieted down and turned to look to see what they would do.

Jaebum wrapped an arm around Jinyoungs waist and pulled him close to him, while Jinyoung put on of his hands on his pregnant tummy.

They all listened to what was needed to be listened to and they all lined up. Graduation about to start.

Jaebum felt in his pocket the box and smiled.

He stared as his lover, seeing him talking to a friend of his, laughing.

They finally went to sit down and graduation started.

Pregnant?! //JJP AUWhere stories live. Discover now