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A few months later.

Song writer and newly singer Def., also known as Im Jaebum, to be nominated in his first award as songwriter of the year. You can find information on him and his songs in the link below.

Jaebum got up early in the morning, upset and sacrificing the warmth he felt of his wife's body.

He untangled his arms from around Jinyoungs waist, kissing his wife's forehead, and getting ready for the day, making sure not to wake the younger up.

They had a long night, the both of them staying up late for reasons only the both of them will share with each other.

Jaebum was upset he didn't get to see his wife struggle in the morning or hear his cracked voice from their last nights activities.

After Jaebum got dressed and did his regular routine, he looked at his wife, seeing Jinyoung sleeping peacefully.

He saw some of Jinyoungs body, seeing his hand prints on his waist and thighs and hickeys.

Jaebum loved to make his mark on Jinyoung, letting people know that the most beautiful person is his and no one else's.

He covered Jinyoungs body, hoping that he wouldn't wake up feeling cold.

He leaned down to kiss Jinyoungs plump lips, looking at Jinyoungs face and smiling. "I love you," he whispered, before standing up straight again.

Jaebum walked out of their bedroom, taking one more last look at his wife and then closed the door.

He then walked over to his sons room, walking in and looking at his son. "Appa will be back, be good and take care of your omma," he whispered, leaning down to kiss the top of his sons head, seeing him wrinkle his nose.

Jaebum smiled. "Just like his omma," he said and walked out, closing the door behind him.

Jaebum sighed, getting the things he needs and walking out the house, to work.

"Congratulations hyung!" Hyunjin, a member of Stray Kids, told the older when he walked into the company.

"I haven't got an award at all Hyunjin-ah," Jaebum said and smiled at the younger one.

The younger one smiled. "I know you'll win it hyung!" He said and Jaebum smiled.

"Thank you Hyunjin-ah," Jaebum said and Hyunjin nodded, saying his goodbyes and heading off the practice.

Jaebum walked over to his studio in the company, seeing trainees and idols that debuted in the company.

Once Jaebum got to the studio, he sent his wife a message and got to work, composing a song to sing at the award show.

Jinyoung woke up feeling warm.

He groaned, lifting his head from the pillow and seeing his husband already gone for work.

"How could he leave me like this?" He asked, pouting.

Jinyoung stretched, feeling his muscles relax.

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