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Jinyoung looked around the airport, looking for his parents.

"I think I see them," Jaebum said, pointing at two figures walking towards them.

"Omma! Appa!" Jinyoung calles out to his parents, waving his free hand, the other Jaebum was holding.

The married couple walked over to Jinyoungs parents, saying hi and giving them hugs.

"Where's Jaeyoung?" Jinyoung asked, wondering where his baby was.

"He's with Jaebum's parents," Jinyoungs mom told him.

Jinyoung pouted. "We'll go get him soon," Jaebum whispered in Jinyoungs ear, squeezing the younger ones hand.

Jinyoung looked over at his husband and nodded.

Jinyoungs parents took them over to Jaebum's parents, all of them meeting up for a small gathering before the newly married couple went home with their baby.

"Hi! Welcome back!" Jaebum's mom said smiling at the two of them when she opened the door.

"Hello!" Jaebum and Jinyoung said, saying their hellos before walking in.

Jinyoung instantly looked around for their baby and smiled happily when he saw him.

"My baby!" Jinyoung said, going over and picking up the small baby that was laying on the floor, surrounded by pillows.

Jaebum smiled as he saw his wife instantly go to their child.

"Jinyoung really wanted to see him," Jaebum told his parents.

Jaebum's mom laughed. "Oh, all moms are like that, right?" She said, asking Jinyoungs mom.

"That is right," Jinyoungs mom said laughing.

Jinyoung walked back to both his and Jaebum's parents.

"Thank you for taking care of Jaeyoungie," Jinyoung said bowing down and smiling.

"It was nothing Jinyoung-ah, don't worry about it," Jaebum's mom said smiling, the other parents nodding.

Jinyoung smiled and nodded.

Jaeyoung saw his father and smiled, making sounds and reaching out for him.

"Looks like he's an appas baby," Jinyoungs mom said laughing.

Jinyoung smiled and handed Jaeyoung over to Jaebum.

The baby made a happy sound, making his parents smile widely.

"Aw! So cute my baby!" Jinyoung said, cooing at the small child.

Jaeyoung turned his head over to his mom and smiled, making Jinyoung smile even bigger.

Jaebum and Jinyoung stood there in their own world, cooing over how cute their baby is.

The other two pair of parents smiled and went to leave the small family some alone time.

"Jinyoungie," Jaebum called the younger, who was in Jaebum's old room, feeding the baby.

Jaebum walked in his old room, seeing Jinyoung still feeding their baby.

Jaebum closed the door and smiled.

Jaeyoung was fast asleep and Jinyoung carefully moved the baby to the bed for him to lay down.

Jinyoung then buttoned up his shirt.

He looked up at the elder, who was smiling at him.

What did you want? Jinyoung asked when their eyes connected.

Pregnant?! //JJP AUWhere stories live. Discover now