Chapter 1: stepping over cracks will always be hella fun

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My life revolves around my YouTube career. Well, that's a little over-exaggerated.

Where I live, my friends, my life, a lot of this is because of YouTube. I'm grateful for it, though. It's amazing getting to live here with all of these truly amazing people. I couldn't love life more.

You see theres one problem, Jc. My life is all good and then I start having these dreams. These dreams.. They aren't bad, not at all, but for some reason they haunt me.

Yes, I know he's with Lia so obliviously we couldn't ever be together. That's not it, though.

I'm not sure why they haunt me so much.

The text tone a singing bird creeps into my thoughts. I sit up in my bed and slowly reach for my iPhone.

My screen shows me the message and that Conner is the sender. Hm, Conner doesn't normally text me. I avert my eyes from his name and read the text.

The text reads "hey Jenn! Think you might wanna come over to the house and film a video later?"

I haven't filmed with Conner for awhile.. So it's probably a good idea. My viewers will probably enjoy a video of the both of us too. Why not?

I reply "that'd be great:). I'll be there around 2!"

I look at the time on my phone. Oh god, it's already eleven a.m. I push the warm snuggly blankets off of myself and roll out of bed.

I drag my feet (slowly if may add ) to the nearest bathroom in the apartment. Before I walk into the bathroom I turn my head towards Andreas open door. From the looks of it she's not in her bedroom anymore.

"Andrea?" I call out tiredly. "You home?" When I get no answer I assume she's out, most likely with Kian or something.

Finally, I walk into the dark bathroom. I flip the light switch and watch the dark bathroom light up. I stand there for a few seconds letting my eyes adjust, and then make my way over to the shower.


I try to step over each crack in the pavement as I make my way up to the door of the o2l house. It's a childlike thing but I find it fun. I mean don't you still do it? If you don't your missing out.

Stepping over cracks is and always will be hella fun.

My converse covered feet unexpectedly bump into a step. I look up to the three steps and the door. I expertly jump over two of the steps and land on the highest step aka: the doorstep.

I raise my arm up and knock on the door. I wonder who will answer the door. Probably Conner since he's expecting me to be here. But if Conner doesn't answer who will?

Probably not Kian, if Andreas with Kian they probably aren't here. Conner would've said something about Andrea. It won't be Ricky, he's back in his home town visiting his family.

So I guess it's going to be Conner.. Or Jc.

I've been waiting here for quite some time now.. Dang I know Conner should be home.

Conner won't care if I just walk in, I mean I've done it before and none of them cared.

I knock twice, twist the doorknob and walk in.

"Hey?" I shout through the giant house. "Conner?"

I hear foot steps come from the second story. Thank god, I was getting worried that no one was home. I wait by the end of the stair case for Conner to come down.

"Thank god," I say. "I was beginning to worry that-" I stop talking mid-sentence when I realize who's walking down the stairs.

"Worry that what?" A smiling Jc says at the top of the stare case.

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