Chapter 14: we dont have serious talks

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"I am trying to have a serious adult conversation with the three out you! I shout at the three girls in front of me. They stop laughing, and messing around. The three of them slowly get up into a sitting position on the dark floor.

"We don't have serious talks." Lauren says with a serious tone.

"Yeah, Jenn." Arden adds on. The only one that didn't add on to the "when don't do serious talks" was Andrea. She might know what I want to tell them though. I switch positions on the ground to criss cross.

"Well we do now." I say as serious I can. "As you two, and Andrea, being my best friends I think you should know about what's been going on in my life."

"Your being serious, aren't you?" Lauren asks. I nod at her in reply.

"Then start taking!" Arden half shouts.

I tell them everything, starting at the dreams and ending with me going over to his house so I could talk to him about the video. I give them every detail I can give them as a human being. They listen to me without interrupting.

They're actually acting like the good friends I've always wanted them to be. Ah kidding, they've always been the friends I want them to be.

When I finish telling them everything that's happened I can tell they're done being serious. Lauren looks at me for a second, then gives me the goofiest smile she can and beings chanting the words "Jennifer's in love!"

I just roll my eyes. I reluctantly smile as Arden and Andrea join In. I laugh at they're chanting and wait for the chants to die down.

When they stop I put my hands over my hear and sway my shoulders jokingly as I say "maybe I am." While elongating the "am"

Andrea is the first to calm down and become just a little serious. Or, as serious as Andrea can get. She looks at me kindly with a smile "Jenn, we will love and support you through every step of the jcpenny madness." She tells me.

"Yes! No matter what we will help you and be there for you!" Lauren shouts with an echo from the empty apartment.

"Yeah, girl, we love you so
Much. We'd never let you down." Arden sounds the calmest of the three.

"You guys," I begin, "you guys are amazing. I love you." I open my arms up and continue, "hug me sista's" I shout at them.

The three of them move from they're spots on the ground and tackle me with a hug. I feel trapped in this hug underneath the three of them, on the ground.

Though, I don't care. They're my best friends and I know, I know they will help me get through this.


I look around at the brown boxes laying around our old apartment. Yes, it's moving day!

This is an intense moment. The sadness of leaving this place of memories, and the happiness of change and an amazing new apartment. Wait, and an amazing new two story apartment. Yep, I like that.

Andrea joins me in my boxes up bedroom. "You called a few people to help with transporting the boxes?" She asks me.

"More like a five people." I reply, looking at my room.

"Five?" She asks, I look over to see her easing he eyebrow. "Who?"

I sigh, "Jc, Jake, Rebecca, jack, and Ricky. I kind of figured you told Arden and Lauren to come over." I tell her.

"Okay good, good. And yes I invited them, and kian so we're good!" She explains.

"How long till they come?" I ask.

"An hour." She responds quickly. Before I get the chance to reply she runs out of my room. Literally, runs. I have no idea why, but she ran out of my room.

My computer is packed up and the only thing to entertain me right now is my phone, which is on low battery, and I accidentally packed my charger.

Quickly I run into the kitchen, sit my phone down on the counter, and run back into my room.

I begin to make a square around my door, with boxes. Now when people walk in they won't see my empty room but three walls of boxes.

I feel sweat form on my forehead about a half hour into doing this project. Wow, I didn't know lifting boxes was this hard..

I place more and more and more brown boxes on top of each other until it's high but low enough to reach.

"How much longer do I have to wait Andrea?" I shout my question through the apartment. "I'm bored." I add on.

"Five minutes, Jennifer!" She shouts back.

"Five minutes." I mumble to myself.

I thank god for letting my door swing outwards so I'm able to get out of my bedroom. I swing my door open, walk out of my room and close it behind me.

I trudge over to my front door and lay down in front of it. Yes, I am laying in front of my door waiting for someone to come. I am beyond bored.

Maybe it wasn't a good idea inviting both jake and Jc over. I sigh. But, if I had to choose one person to come over it would be Jc. Then jake would get upset that I invited Jc to help and not my boyfriend.

I mean I could've, invited just jake and not Jc.. But Jc you know.. Jc's stronger.. And I might like Jc more than jake. So, the only choice I had really was to invite them both.

Ok yeah, I could've just invited jake, but Jc. No that isn't an unfinished sentence. Jc should help because Jc.

Because Jc.

Two knocks on the door snap me out of my thoughts. I sit up, and open the door while sitting. I look up to see Jc, Kian and Ricky looking down at me.

I use my grip on the door to pull me up. Once I'm standing, I open the door. Wider and let them in.

"Hey, jennpenn." Jc says as he steps through the door.

"Jc." I say with a smile, and quickly hug him. I turn to Ricky and kian, and hug both of them at the same time.

"What we dont get private hugs? Only a group one?" Ricky teases me. Even though I can tell its a joke I blush.

"Well, you two were over there while Jc was over there." I say pointing in the different directions. I think I rolled that off pretty well.

I take a look at Jc, he looks extremely attractive. When he looks at me with a playful smirk my heart skips a full beat. Dang it, Jc you made my heart stop.

Andrea enters the room and the four of us joke around for a bit. Lauren and Arden come next, and then jack comes shortly so that we're only waiting on Rebecca and jake.

I wonder why they're the last ones.

I hear three knocks on the door. Andrea opens it greets them and let's them in. Wondering who it is I navigate my way over to the door.

Rebecca and jake both got here at the same time. Weird.

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