Chapter 6:I like pizza

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I think about my incident with Jc from a month ago. How I cried about everything for a week. How I let Lias comment truly get to me. How I for a sliver of a second, truly believed I loved him.

Of course, I was wrong. I think. Maybe I still love him.

No, shut up , Jenn. You were confused by those dreams. They're over now, they've stopped. You don't have to be confused.

Although, I can't truly believe I don't feel anything when I won't talk to him or look at him.

I haven't seen him since the day, lia confronted me, Jc accused me, and I met jake.

But it's been a whole month since I've last talked to him. Honestly, I miss the dude. He was one of my best friends. Now, because of my confusion, and lia i can't even look at a picture of him.

A knock of the door snaps me out of my thoughts. I sit up on my couch and stare at the door.

Because I was born lazy I yell "It's Jennifer here, come on in!" Instead of opening the door. The door swings open to reveal a smiling, blue eyed, jake.

"I thought maybe we could go out for like some pizza or something like that." Jake says while leaning on the door.

"No, 'hello Jenn it's so nice to see you'?" I sigh out in play frustration. Jake laughs lightly and smirks.

I wish he smirked the same way Jc did. Wait, no. What are you thinking Jenn? I smack my head in real frustration this time.

"Did you smack your head in a way if saying no?" Jake asks me, while brushing his golden hair out of his eyes.

"No, yes, no I mean- hold on." I say. I take a deep breath in and out. "Yes, I want to go get 'pizza or something'." I say using bunny ears when I say "pizza or something."

He looks at me and bites his lip. Unwillingly I think if Jc and his lip bites. God, why can't I think about jake when I'm with jake? "Alright, let's head out then."

I sit up off of the couch and shuffle over to the tall boy. "I'm heading out, andrea I'll see you when I'm back!" I shout to andrea.

"Okay, jenny penny!" She shouts back to me. I smile, and with that I leave the apartment complex.


I pick up a nice warm piece of pizza off of the metal plate in front of jake and I and shove it In my mouth. Jake looks at me with a lopsided smile. "Easy there, Jenn." He states staring at the pizza I held in my hands.

"I like pizza." I reply, shoving another big bite into my mouth.

Jake just looks at me and laughs. "I have no comment."

"Good," I state, and finish off my slice of pizza, just as jake grabs his first slice.

I reach forwards and grab a slightly less warm slice of pizza, and scarf half of it down. I put the rest of it down when I decide I'm full.

I look over at jake, who is somehow still working on his first slice. "Slow eater." I cough out, jokingly.

Mocking Me, jake coughs out ,"fast eater.". I just laugh and watch him slowly eat three more slices.

Thank god he payed for the pizza before we sat down because I honestly can't sit in this restaurant anymore. The smell has really gotten to my head.

"Jake, jake, jake, jake, jake, jake, jake." I say to jake, while poking him.

"Yes, Jenn?" He replied with a strait face.

"Can we leave now?" I ask sweetly.

"Alright," jake agrees and sits up out of the chairs. I copy him and stand up.

He grabs my hand and pulls me out of the "pizza place". Yes, it is actually called the "pizza place".

I look down at his hand intertwined with mine, and think of Jc. No stop Jenn. This isn't Jc, this is jake, think about jake. I look up and smile at him as we exit.

Once we're fully outside of the restaurant, jake stops and looks down at me. Did I mention, he's about ten feet taller then me?

Okay that's not true, he's only a foot taller than me, but it seems like teen feet when he looks done at me, as I look up at him. That most likely made no sense, but It made perfect sense to me.

Jakes, blue eyes stare into mine. He opens his mouth and starts speaking, "can I ask you something important?" He asks.

"Yeah," I say. Wait. Hold up. He just said he wanted to ask me "something important". What. I honestly have no idea..

"So as we've been friends for the whole month.." He says slowly. I just look up at him smiling. "Do you think you might wanna be my girlfriend?" He asks me.

This is probably the worst reason to do something ever, but if I say yes it'll be an amazing distraction from my Jc drama. I won't think about Jc constantly. Hopefully.

Although, then again I'm thinking about Jc right now as he asked me to be his girlfriend.

Shut up, Jenn, just tell him yes.

"I- yeah- no" I stutter.

"What?" He asks me with a confused tone.

"I mean," I begin smiling, "yes, I do."

A/N hey a y'all! First id like to thank you for almost 200 reads! That's honestly crazy! Also I'd like to point out that ik this is a totally fast transition.. But I have things planned out and the only way was to get with a fast transition. And I'll be honest within the blank month (in the story ) nothing actually happened other than what was explained which I felt would be way to boring to write about so I kinda just skipped it. Sorry bout that but there's so much more to write about that I didn't feel the need to waste time with a boring long but when I could cut right to the juicy stuff in my head.

If you read this whole thing I'm giving you a virtual cookie!:)

Anyways thanks so much for reading this
Kristin x

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