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Under section 19 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, every individual "has the right to freedom of opinion and expression; this right includes freedom to hold opinions without interference and to seek, receive and impart information and ideas through any media and regardless of frontiers". This writing is mainly based on my own objective and slightly subjective understanding and expression of opinion about CharDawn. If you are offended or in some other way, felt some kind of discomfort, feel free to leave this platform immediately. I do not have rooms for any contempt or bitter disdain that you might have against this work. Do not however, hesitate to share your thoughts and ideas, I am more than happy to open up discussions, as I am also willing to learn more from your own thinking about this matter. 


One day I woke up with this the indisputable fact that there is one but one truly serious philosophical problem in my life – and that is CharDawn. I have come to finally question myself, "Why do I love CharDawn?" and why is it, despite their age, their experiences and their generation, that their impact on me has always been so profound? So satisfying and yet also painful at the same time? Such feelings at one point, I thought, are all fallacies. The emotions they brought my heart are somewhat, laughable and yes, quite humiliating. However, as I search for the truth, after numerous reflections and contemplations, I have come to an end to find some appropriate answers to my question. Although such conclusions are not so definitive, I have reached an epiphany that the answers that I have may vary according to the heart of the beholder.

The search for an answer is not always easy. It is a remarkable journey, in which I have discovered many other things on top of it. Finding answers to my questions is the most difficult part of all. I noticed that through this exploration, it opened more opportunities for more questions. Answers blurred, they are almost faded really. More hypotheses were born. More doubts and confusions bloomed. I have found out that the past is irretrievable, the memories associated with it shapes the way we live. I also came to the realisation that the ability of people to reproduce is an extremely fascinating thought. I have come to reflect that Romanticism also played an important role in our daily living as well as death, though we can argue that it is not essentially part of living. This also led me on examining people's hunger in depth. Lastly, I have learned that by going through the pain of letting go, we also get the chance to experience growth. By submerging my consciousness in this contemplation I tried my best to think of these matters objectively. To involve my emotions, in this analysis I rationally thought, will only spoil the reliability and accuracy of my results.

The Irretrievable Past

The past is irretrievable, the memories associated with it shapes the way we live. The first point is quite self-explanatory. Every fan, or even those people who follows the media know for surely that Richard and Dawn had their own past as lovers. Unfortunately, and fortunately, human beings as being one of the most intellectual animals here on earth, has the capacity to remember things. The power of memories, good and bad has a remarkable impact on every individual. In this sense, CharDawn sets a reminder to every person of the good old times. Of the memorable past, a symbol of a tremendous memory that everyone is willing to re-live over and over again.  They bring nostalgia, not only to their generation but also for the current ones. The fact that the two of them had been together, had lived in the same room, and had showed their affections publicly made it so much easier for an individual to reimagined and reflect upon the past. Since the past is irretrievable and none of us is able to turn back the time and go back, their old photos and of course, the movies they have acted on, provide an extension to our own marvellous capability to imagine beyond the actual things that had happened before. Such extensions of reality are indicative of the fandom's own self-made universes where Richard and Dawn's characters being together continued to reign, exemplified through Wattpad Fanfictions, edited photographs, relentless imaginative twitter thoughts and even going far as creating sketches and digital art.  Therefore, by knowing that CharDawn had experienced true and irrevocable affections for one another, it is only clear that the memories from the past is associated with the way a person is able to admire them fully.

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