1- Aiden

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Aiden had just stopped at the post office to pick up his mail, he had been flying for the past week and had just flown back home from Mexico. Once he got home he started going through all his mail and saw that he had a fancy looking envelope from his brother. He opened it up and saw that it was an invite to his brother's wedding and was shocked to see that it was only about a month away.

He was surprised that he hadn't heard anything about his brother getting married, he picked up his phone and called him. After a few rings his brother answered. "Hey Kyle, what's this shit that you're getting married, not even bothering to call and fill me in on the news?" 

"I tried calling you, you never answered.... I also left you a few messages for you to call me back which you never did." Kyle says in a huff.

"I know that I have been busy, but I never received any messages. I would have called you back, especially about something like this." Aiden says feeling hurt. 

"Maybe you should double check them then, I know that they are there. I was also going to ask you to be my best man but when you never called me back I figured that I couldn't rely on you, its like your job is more important than family. You probably would have forgot that it was going on and miss the whole event.

"Kyle, you're my brother, that's not something I would forget, I'd make time for that, but whatever... it's your wedding." Aiden sighs as he talks to him on the phone.

"Just make sure that you bring your girlfriend, mom really wants to finally meet her, she's expecting her to be there." Kyle says to him.

Aiden swallows hard and pauses as he looks at the invite "Yea will see what she has going on, I cannot promise you that she will be there."

"Promise me you'll bring her, and make sure you fill out that meal card and send it back right away, we need to know what everyone wants to eat and get it all ordered within the next week." Kyle says to him in a demanding way.

"Yea, I'll get right on it." Aiden tells him sighing before hanging up the phone.

"Fuck." Aiden yells out, dropping his phone on the counter.

Aiden stood against the counter looking at his phone and called his voice mail to check his messages. His brother's messages were there and then felt bad, he thought he checked them. He then stood there thinking, he had to find a girl and bring her to the wedding, he didn't have the heart to tell Kyle that he had broke up with his girlfriend month's ago, that she couldn't handle him being gone all the time. He would never have heard the end of it.

He then decided to call his ex Savannah, even though he was actually enjoying the life of being single, he was hoping that she still had feelings for him and would like to go along he did miss her. He grabbed his phone and stared at her number for a few minutes before pressing the call button. He finally got the nerve and called her, she was shocked to hear his voice and even more surprised that he asked her to go to the wedding with him.

"Seriously Aiden? We haven't been together in months, then you call me out of the blue and ask me to join you at your brother's wedding? What the fuck is wrong with you? Besides I found someone way better than you that cares more about me than himself, fuck off." Savannah says before hanging up on him.

"Hello?" He says into the phone, pulling it away from his ear, he looks at the phone and saw that she hung up. "Fuck, fuck, fuck..." He says pissed throwing his phone on the couch.

Frustrated and upset about Savannah and her words to him, he unpacked his luggage and decided to take a shower, he stood in the shower resting his hand against the wall and let the water fall on him, thinking about what to do. He wasn't ready to be in another relationship just yet, he knew he had off for a couple days and decided to head over to the nightclub for a while and blow off some steam.

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