Mount Olympus

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This mountain was really huge. No. The mountain wasn't just huge. It was the height of a million skyscrapers. But the mountain wasn't the most impressive thing.

It was what was on it.

It looked like a huge neighborhood of palaces. The grass was neatly trimmed, and nymphs and gods and goddesses were dancing or playing music at the gardens. In the middle of it all was a large Greek-style building. 

"Wow." I breathed. I was breath taken by the beautiful mountain. Mother dived down, heading toward Mount Olympus. Finally, we reached the mountain. I  jumped off the chariot. Mount Olympus. My feet touched the rough ground.

I shivered. Not only because I was scared and nervous, but also because it was COLD. Now, you may be wondering, Celestia! Why can't you use some uber cool magic, and make yourself warm? Yeah, sorry. I'm not that powerful. I'm just pretty much immortal, and have knowledge and is smart. That's all. Me and Natalie just can't control what we are the goddess of, and are immortal. And you might be thinking: well, at least you know everything! Well, it doesn't work that way.

I have the ability to remember information. But I have to gain the info. I also naturally have the ability to use that knowledge. I know. You're like boo! Boo! Nobody likes your powers! Well, do not underestimate knowledge. 

Anyways, I was cold. Then, I saw Natalie stretch out her hands around her. What is she doing? I thought. Then, I noticed that all of the cold air was moving away from us so that it was warmer.

"There. I made the air go away from us. It should be warmer now." Said Natalie.

"Thanks," I said. Natalie led the way, forcing the freezing air away from us. I followed close behind my friend. Soon we approached the door of the colossal palace. Athena stepped forward and knocked on the door. Then a voice came from the door.

"Password?" It asked. The... Doors voice was loud and low.

"Olympus," said Athena.

"Correct." Said the door and it opened.

Athena stepped inside the palace of the gods.

"Come in," she said. Me and Natalie followed close behind my mother. I gasped when I entered the palace. There was a long hallway. My feet brushed against the soft red carpet that must have cost a million drachmas, the currency of the gods. On the roof, was a huge golden chandelier. On either side of the carpet, there was a bunch of golden doors. On each one, was a small silver sign saying what the room was for. I examined the nearest sign. It read: Storage for Artemis's Arrows fancy writing. I brushed my fingers against the silver sign. Then, all of a sudden, as I touched the sign, there was a blast of silver light.

"Did you touch a sign?" asked Athena quickly, blinded over the silver light.

"Yes!" I said, knowing that I had done something wrong. Then, before Athena could answer, the light cleared. Now that that was gone, I could see a young woman standing in front of us. She had short pixie cut hair that was white, with streaks of blue and silver. On a silver quiver behind her back, was a bundle of silver arrows. In her right hand, she was holding a silver bow. She wore a silver skirt, which came to about her knees. She wore brown boots and had silver eyes the color of stars in the dark night sky. Who is she? I thought. A silver bow and arrow, white hair with blue and purple streaks........ Artemis! I thought. By touching the sign, I had alerted Artemis! To confirm my conclusion, Athena spoke.

'Artemis." Athena said. The goddess of the moon looked at my mother with her silver eyes.

"Athena, I have come to warn you......"

The Chronicles of Olympus, Book 1, The Goddess's FuryWhere stories live. Discover now