The Gods

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My feet hit the golden floor of the throne room. In the middle, was a hearth. My eyes drifted their way toward the ceiling. There was a huge golden chandelier. But the first thing I noticed about this room, was how much power was in it. Magic tickled my skin. The 12 Olympians together, created much, much power. Speaking of the 12 Olympians, here they were. In the middle of the 12 gods, was Zeus and Hera. All the women were on Hera's side, the left, and the men, were on Zeus's side, the right.

Hera, had long flowing hair like curls of darkness styled in a bun held by a golden clip set with diamonds. Her eyes were pools of snow. Cold, yet still beautiful. She was beautiful but scary. She was smiling, but her smile was cold and had no warmth. The queen of the gods wore a golden chiton, with also golden pins and belt. On her black hair, was a golden crown. Her throne was made of gold and had amber and garnet decorating it.

Next to Hera, was a woman with hair like waves of hay. She had eyes like pools of leaves in the spring; fresh, and full of life. Her throne was made of vines and flowers. She wore a green chiton, with a yellow belt and golden pins. I knew that she had to be Demeter.

Next to the goddess of agriculture, was Athena on a throne of silver, decorated with gold and rubies. On top of her throne, was a silver-gray owl, and on her shoulder, was a real owl, Wisdom.

Next, to Athena, Artemis sat on a throne of moonstone, decorated with crystal.

Next to the goddess of the moon, was a woman so beautiful, that as soon as I saw her, my jaw hit the ground. She had hair like curls of pure, 100-carat gold. Her eyes were pools of emeralds. Immediately,  I was jealous of her. Jealous of those beautiful eyes.... rich gold hair..... These words I'm using to describe her...... pretty, luscious, beautiful, don't fit her. She was prettier than that. You couldn't even describe her with words. Everything about her was beautiful, perfect. Her hair, her eyes, her mouth, even her nose. Her face was in a beautiful smile, the kind that makes boys not able to speak. The kind that made other girls boil with jealousy. She wore a pink chiton, with golden pins and belt.

Zeus had a white beard. His eyes were pools of a clear, cloudless, summer sky. His hair was white, and had a gold crown, much like Hera's, only bigger, in his hair. He carried himself in such a regal way, that only a king could manage to carry himself like that. He sat on a throne of gold, like Hera's, decorated with diamonds. Zeus wore a golden chiton, with golden pins and belt, much like Hera.

Next to Zeus, was Poseidon. His hair was obsidian black, and his eyes were pools of the deepest sea. He had a black beard. He wore a blue chiton, with a blue belt, and silver pins. His throne was made of coral and decorated with shells. In his hand, he held a large golden three-pronged spear. The Trident. His weapon. I thought.

Next to the god of the sea, was Apollo. He, unlike his twin, Artemis, had golden hair, with a Laurel wreath on top, and he had eyes like pools of gold. He wore a golden chiton, with a yellow belt and golden pins. His throne was also made of gold. Everything about his throne, him, his eyes, everything was so... goldy and bright that I had to shield my eyes.

Next to Apollo, was Hephaestus. As soon as I saw him. I gasped in surprise. He was....... Ugly. His leg was in a huge steel brace. He had wild red hair, and beard both the color of fire. He had flamy red eyes, the color of flames.  He wore a brown chiton, with a red belt, and golden clips. You're probably not going to be able to imagine him very well with that description. So just imagine a person who as soon as you see, you would back away because he was so... ugly. That's how Hephaestus looked like, only much worse.  I'm not going to describe him more, because I feel uncomfortable about it. He was just........ Not your favorite eye candy. His throne was made of metal.

Next to the god of the forges, was Ares. As soon as I saw him, I shuddered. He had on a tall war helmet. I could see his eyes a little. They were pools of blood. They were filled with pure evil. He had curly black hair, as dark as night. He was handsome, in a way, but something about him, was much, much, too scary looking. He rocked that I will kill you look. Maybe it was his piercing red eyes that were so scary. He wore a blood red chiton, with golden pins, and a crimson red belt. He lounged on a throne of copper, with rubies decorating it.

Next to the god of war, was Hermes. He had mischievous, glistening, eyes like pools of jades, and messy, light brown hair. He wore a fern green chiton, with silver pins and a harlequin belt. His throne was made of metal decorated with emeralds. I could immediately tell that he was funny and silly. 

Next to the creator of the lyre, was Dionysus. He had curly dark black hair, and eyes like a pair of grapes. He wore a violet chiton, with golden pins, and a purple belt. He sat on a throne of grape vines. He had a black beard.

I approached Hera's throne. My palms were sweating. My legs were shaking. My heart was beating a 100 times a minute. Hera control my destiny. Even if I was immortal, Hera could send me into Tartarus, torture me, do horrible things to me. Surely though, Athena and Zeus would help. I looked at my mother. She looked cautious. Her gaze was intensely on Hera. Zeus looked tense, waiting for what was going to happen. I saw.... fear in his eyes. Even the king of the gods could be afraid.

I approached Hera. 

What should I do? I thought. Kneel? Bow? Curtsy? What should I address her as? Your majesty? Lady? Queen? My mind was racing. I didn't know what to do! I took a deep breath. I was the goddess of knowledge. I kept calm in all situations, thought of the best plan. I took a deal breath. I could do this.

 I simply stood in front of Hera and looked at her straight in her cold eyes. She didn't deserve respect. 

"Queen Hera," I said quietly, and I waited for Hera to respond.

The Chronicles of Olympus, Book 1, The Goddess's FuryWhere stories live. Discover now