Hectate's prophecy

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The girl shall travel long,

And meet the three goddesses of the orbs of light.

The sirens song

She shall fight.

In the land of the dead, she will find a strong,

Daughter of the night.

The goddess will be proven wrong.

From the clue of fright

I stared at Hecate. Her eyes turned back to focus.

"I believe," she said. "That that was a prophecy you just heard."

I thought of this prophecy. It made sense... sort of.

"The girl shall travel long, and meet the three goddesses of the orbs of light." recited Julia. "The goddesses of the orbs of light must be Hecate, Artemis, and Selene. Their all lunar goddesses. The orbs of light are the moon." Xandor nodded.

"The sirens song, she shall fight," said Xander. "Celestia resisted the sirens song."

"But what does: in the land of the dead she shall find a strong daughter of the night. The goddess will be proven wrong, from the clue of fright. Mean?" I asked.

"Well..." said Natalie. "I think that the goddess will be proven wrong. Means that Hera will be proven wrong. That there's evidence that Celestia didn't steal her apple. That's a good thing."

"Well... Yes.. but I'm also a goddess," I said. "Maybe it means that I will be proven wrong." Julia looked troubled by this.

"Let's hope that that isn't what the prophecy means," she said. I nodded. It was best to be positive.

"Well, we need to go to the underworld," said Natalie. "The prophecy mentioned: in the land of the dead. But who is this daughter of the night in the prophecy?" Natalie asked.

"We can only guess," I said. Hectate nodded.

"It'll be best to wait for what happens." Advised Hecate. "Prophecies are a strange thing, and people often try to avoid them, or try to guess what happens and do that, which is not wise." I nodded.

"Right," I said.

"Wel.. you better go."Said Hecate. "I suppose you need to journey to the underworld."

"Yep. But first, we need to give this to Selene." Said Julia, holding up the pouch of sleeping powder." Hecate nodded.

"Yes, you do."

Here." I said, holding up the bag of precious sleeping powder.

"Thank you!" cried Selene, taking the pouch.

"It was nothing," Julia said.

"Well...." said Selene. "I wish you luck."

"We're there!" I cried. It had been a day since we had visited Hecate. We were now at the underworld.

We reached a large cave that was also one of the entrances to the underworld. I landed on the ground, the cold night wind brushing against my face. I was tired and sleepy, but we were close, so close to getting the apple...

"Well....." I said. "We better go in...."

I crept into the cave. There was a large hole in the ground. A staircase led down to wherever the hole led.

"We better climb down," said Natalie, and we started down the steps, to whatever awaited us.

The Chronicles of Olympus, Book 1, The Goddess's FuryWhere stories live. Discover now