The Siren's Song

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I heard faint singing. Its melody drew me closer, like glue. Something about the song drew me close.

"What is that?" I asked.

"The Sirens," said Xander. He and Julia were riding on a silver chariot pulled by two brown deer with silver antlers.

The Sirens. I thought.

"I want to hear their song," I said.

"What?" asked Natalie. "That's too dangerous!"

The sirens apparently sang, and while doing so, drew people to them. They jumped in the sea and drowned. Only a few 2 people had ever heard the song and survived. I wanted to hear them. I wanted to know what they sang of.

"Celestia..." said Julia. "That's too dangerous."

"No," I said. I had to hear the song.

"Fine," said Xander.

"Xander!" yelled Julia.

"Come on. There is no convincing her."

"Fine." Julia's face scrunched up. "Ok. here's the plan."


I took a deep breath. I was bound to Moon to keep me from jumping in the sea. It wasn't comfortable, but it was the safest way.

"Last chance. Are you sure you want to do this?" asked Xander.

"Yes. I'm sure." I said. Julia, Natalie, and Xandor plugged their ears with their fingers. There was no earplugs or any wax, so they had to do.

"Ok.." said Natalie. "Here we go," we dived down. The clouds parted and an island came to view. My eyes widened when I saw and heard it. All of my senses were drawn toward the island. It was... home. Preasidio. But something was different. On the island, was me, Natalie, Aqua, Zeus, Athena... together. With them, was a second figure. He wore a green shirt and a pair of jeans. He looked so familiar. I had his dark brown hair, the same sparkling eyes.

My father.

Immediately, I thought what am I doing? I should go to the island! I was going to jump of Moon when I noticed that I couldn't jump off! I was bound to Moon! No. I thought, tears streaming down my face. I had to get back to Preasidio. I had to. But how? I looked around me. Of course! My friends! I yelled at my friends to cut me out.

They didn't.

Heart crushed, I yelled at my friends to let me out. I begged them.

They didn't.

I heard my family sing.

They told me to come, that I would be safe and happy there. I believed them. I was desperate to go to the island. I looked at my friends.

"HELP!" I screamed. "LET ME OUT!" I saw Natalie looking at me sadly. Tears filled her eyes. Please let me out, please let me out...

She didn't.

I stared at the island. So close, yet so far away.

I called to my friend to cut my bounds so much that my throat felt hoarse. Then, the island faded away. I could no longer feel the island, the song drawing me closer. My brain cleared. I recalled all of the events. I had lived through the sirens song, but I felt like I would never be the same again.

I knew what I wanted most. It was for me, Natalie, Zeus, my..... Father to be safe. There was something I felt. A wistfulness. A longing for it to happen.

It was like going to a toy store, and finding the perfect toy, yet it was, for some reason, difficult to get. I was quiet most of the journey, thinking my own thoughts. 

The Chronicles of Olympus, Book 1, The Goddess's FuryWhere stories live. Discover now