The truth

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Our steps were loud as we walked across the throne room. In my jacket pocket was a heavy part of the truth. I was boiling mad at Hera. Pari held the helm. I noticed that Hades was present next to the hearth, sitting on a simple black throne. 

I stood in front of Athena this time.

"Well." Sneered Hera. "So you have brought some friends to protect you?" 

"Hera." Athena's voice was smooth but her eyes blazed with anger. 

I took out the clip and displayed it in my palm. 

"This was your clip." 

"Theif!" Hera yelled. "You stole my clip as well!" 

"This was found in the helm," I said. Shocked voices echoed through the throne room.

"What?" Screamed Hera. "You, you trust her more than me?" Athena stood up.

"The clues point to you. You are guilty. Confess, and you will suffer less pain. Remeber those 1000 years dangling over Chaos?" Hera bit her lip. 

"Fine!" She yelled. "I framed Celestia! The apple was never stolen, I made it look like it was stolen!" She spoke the words as if they would cause her death. 

"Did you steal my helmet?" Asked Hades, his voice cold. 

"Yes." Breathed Hera. Hades roared with anger.

"Peace, please uncle," Athena said. Hades bit his lip but quieted down.

"Tell us the whole story," Athena demanded. 

"Fine!" Cried Hera. "One day, a letter arrived at my palace. Inside was the information about Celestia and Natalie. So I made it look like Celestia stole the apple, and stole the helm to frame Hades. I also wanted Hades to think that Celestia stole the helm. I was going to put the helm back; I didn't want to cause suspicion to myself when a nymph appeared. I panicked and buried the helm. I hid the apple in my chest. I had been wearing the helm. I took it off. I didn't want the nymph to suspect that the helm was nearby. The clip must have fallen off when I wore the helm." 

Hera had been proven wrong. 

She had. 

A flood of joy ran through me. Everything was perfect, I thought.

How wrong I was. 

Everyone, thanks for reading The Goddess' Fury. This story is now finished. Wait for the next story, the Rising Threat! 


The Chronicles of Olympus, Book 1, The Goddess's FuryWhere stories live. Discover now