The very scary girl

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Standing there was a girl, who was feeding Cerberus a treat. After he calmed down the girl turned to face us.

She looked about 13, and she had long black hair like the feathers of a crow. Her eyes were pools of night. The girl's skin was a beautiful olive shade. Her expression sent a clear message: do not mess with me. I could easily tell that this girl was not somebody to cross.

She was wearing a simple long black chiton, held at the waist by a dark brown leather belt, and at the shoulders by golden pins. Her long choppy black hair was in a bun. The girl was wearing a simple silver diadem set with rubies. At her belt was a pair of knives with steel blades and silver hilts. The hilt was set with rubies.

A picture of "the girl" I drew myself (2018, October 7) -

A picture of "the girl" I drew myself (2018, October 7) -

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"Why are you here and who are you? Answer me. Now." the girl commanded, her voice deadly and as hard as steel. It was clearly an order, not a request.

"Um... I'm Celestia, this is Julia, this is Natalie, and this is Xandor." I said. The girl raised her eyebrows.

"I've heard about you." She said softly. "But you haven't answered my other question: who are you?"

"Er... uh... we think Hades stole the apple... so we came to investigate," I said. The girl's eyes narrowed, and I immediately thought: oopsy daisies...

"How dare you accuse my father!" She Cried. "Before I call my father, tell me: why do you think so?" I gulped. We were in the wrong place.

Natalie explained everything. When she was finished, the girl looked outraged.

"The invisibility helmet was stolen! And you stole it!" She Cried, fury blazing in her eyes. She pressed down on a golden ring set with a ruby, and three figures appeared.

They were all identical, and had long messy and stringy midnight black hair, and wore long dresses with hoods so that you couldn't see their eyes. They all had huge black wings.

"Furies take these people away. They blamed my father for stealing the enchanted apple!" she commanded.

"As you wish, princess." the furies spoke.

The furies took us by our hands and flew in the air, flying us away.

The Chronicles of Olympus, Book 1, The Goddess's FuryWhere stories live. Discover now