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I started to shake by seeing the uninvited guest I think Cal understood my change of emotion so he instantly came towards me and pulled me into his arms

He started to calm me by rubbing my back after few minutes I calmed myself down and looked at the person in question

"What are you doing here this early Lucy" Cal asked her without any emotion I saw her paled face then it changed into anger I smelled myself I am smelling like Cal, thanks to goddess because of that my original smell mixed and she can't pinpoint that I am a werewolf

She is angry and I wanted to laugh in her face seeing what assumption she made by seeing me like this I can't blame though, I am wearing his one of blue t-shirt with no pants and plus I am still smelling like him

Who in the world told this asshole to come and sleep beside me, that's why she is angry, she is thinking the worst and who am I to tell her the truth

"Who the hell is she?" she blasted in pure anger it seems like she is controlling her wolf I chuckled by seeing that she looked at me if looks could kill someone I would be dead by now but that's not possible

"Cal do u want coffee? I have made for myself" I ignored her and looked towards him and asked he nodded his head I smiled and moved towards the kitchen like I own the place

I can feel an angry stare on my back I didn't looked back to her, she is a loose case if someone ask me when she had the chance to have this amazing man she kicked him out and now she wanted to stake her claim like seriously

I made coffee for him as well when I came back to living holding two mugs of coffee I saw them still standing on the front door he in irritation and she in anger like seriously if they didn't want to talk then close the door and go to two different ways not like this

"Cal are you going to stand there for whole day, and please come inside and tell your guest to come in as well" this is not going anywhere like this if they behave like two stubborn asses they have to talk and complete this whatever it is

I saw her coming inside and then saw Cal closing the door and came in as well I am sitting in the one seated sofa and there is only the two seater left for them to have she came and sat there and looked at him expectantly to sit beside her

"I will just come in a minute hold on till then" Cal looked at me and said and gone that's when I noticed not only me he is also smelling like me and he has fully covered with my feminine smell obviously he is coming directly from bed without even having a bath so it's explainable

I have already covered my smell and changed it into human, he is not wearing anything he is just in his pants damn where is his shirt now men's can't they sleep in full clothes for goddess sake, he was in bed with me semi naked

I looked towards Lucy and saw her fuming over something, now what is the new thing for which she is fuming over

"Who are you?" she looked at me and asked I raised my brows and smirked knowing her mental state

She want to sleep with my mate and now when he is gone he came to meet her ex mate and for what that's still a question, now what she want all of a sudden with Calvin

That's when I felt a weight in the armrest so I looked up and saw Calvin is back and sitting there holding one cup of coffee didn't he have any other place to sit rather than this close to me when she is already thinking worst of everything and then I felt his hand behind me in my shoulder I just rolled my eyes for the show of affection

Though I have met him just a day before yeti think I know more than needed he has become a close friend whom I can trust with my life yes it seems unreal but my wolf trust him and his wolf so much and that make me trust him as well because my wolf is almost right

Star Vansion Moonorio (Rejection series book 1 ) COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now