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Steve asked straight to the point I closed my eyes and don't know how to start and how to continue

"I need coffee first anyone wants some"

I asked almost everyone hands were up and I moved towards kitchen Cal followed me close behind

"What are going to do?" He asked me like hell I have a choice

"There is no choice left Cal he will know it sooner or later if it became later then we don't even know what will he do he has temper that no one know"

I made coffee for everyone but hot chocolate for Martha it's not too good to drink coffee during pregnancy me and Cal served to everyone and took our seats, Steve is getting impatient that I can see by how he is rubbing his hands occasionally

"Come on start I can't wait any longer" he said getting frustrated I rolled my eyes

"I don't know how to start" that's the truth I seriously don't know how to start and tell him about each and everything it's too much not only for but in a twisted way for Cal too we were repeating same thing over and over again first to each other, then to Martha later to Liam and Macy and now once again we have to repeat it again

"How about from the start" he said

I sighed and started to tell him from the start if he want to know from the start then that's what he will get my truthful answer to his question from the start I started to relive the moments when I was telling him everything I felt a hold on my shoulder I know who it is I didn't stop nor I looked to the person I continued and said to him every single thing which he wanted to know

After telling him I looked towards him and saw an angry fuming Alpha, he instantly stood up I know what is going to happen I need to stop this at any cost so I rushed towards him and hold his hand

"Steve please you need to calm down" I pleaded

"You need me to calm down, how on the fucking earth I can calm down that asshole is going to pay heavily I am not going to live him he can't do this to my sister to his own fucking mate how dare he"

He started to shake violently I don't know what to do how to make him understand

"You still care for that asshole that bloody fucker who cheated on you again and again how could you?"

"I don't fucking care about him to hell with him I have already decided the future of us and now no one is going to change that decision of mine and I am stoping you because he is not worthy for the fight or anything he is just a trash nothing more and nothing less and what will we gain from killing him nothing so what's the point in doing that"

I told him I hope he will just understand and will not create more fuss about this I just want it to be rest in peace the issue is not worthy of anyone of us

"Relax go home take a good rest and please you will not go to Marcus or this issue will not be addressed between you two and mom dad should not know anything about this I want to handle it myself with no interference"

He nodded and gave a peck to my forehead and promised that he will not talk to Marcus nor to our parents he said the night to everyone and left from there

We all sat there no one is feeling sleepy so we all went to the entertainment room and flopped down on the couch we put on a horror movie and started watching it

Me and Cal is in a couch and Macy and Liam is on another couch beside us I don't know if anyone is interested in what's playing on the Television if you ask me then the answer will be I don't even know what is actually playing because I am far away in my own thoughts fighting with my own feeling and coming with absolute horror answers. When sleep took over me I really don't know

Star Vansion Moonorio (Rejection series book 1 ) COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now