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Being in this group this was the first battle which is so big as well as I am the one who is going to lead it, everyone knew me as a fearless and heartless but none knew how I became like this, what made the sweet boy into this heartless and fearless human

Only I knew the happiness when I kill wolves yes I hate these wolves with a passion that no one will understand unless and until they have gone through what I have been through. They made me the monster I am today.

If anyone ask me do I regret by killing those wolves then my answer is No I don't regret the kills I have done in these years I am happy because, in one way or other I have taken my revenge from these creatures, someone asked me will this revenge will be able to give me some peace which I am looking around, honestly, I don't know the answers to that question.

That was the first and last time I have seen that person even though I have never seen the person face even though the person doesn't know what I meant by what I said, yet the person stay beside me and encouraged me even if that was for a while that meant a lot to me considering the fact that no one ever thought about me like that.

I still remember how was I walking around aimlessly looking and taking every given moment to kill wolves, and that's how the women in cloak found in other words master found me. Right now when I think about the moment it felt like everything was not a coincident and the most important thing how on the earth can I trust her, when she can't become good to her own people then what's the place anyone has who is just working for her.

The animosity which she holds for them was another thing which made me work for her, in one way or another way I felt it was running deep inside her heart, she is a cold-hearted being If someone asks me the merciless which she has can't compare to anyone

Even though I hate those wolves but she is the one who hates every supernatural being even though she is one of them and that's the other thing which makes me not to believe in her with closed eyes

It's been years since we were working on this plan, even today I don't know what her actual plan is, after this war but I am quite sure that it will be explosive. On the other hand, it can be seen clearly that there is something which she is hiding behind her mask and I am sure that the face behind the mask will make everyone speechless

I came out of my thoughts when I felt the air changing in the room. Even though I don't have the heightened senses like those creatures but I can sense when the coldness enters my office after all it doesn't enter on a daily basis. She came with a chilling coldness in the air as if the worst thing has entered inside

I hide my expression and looked at her with a boring expression, what will it do if she gets to know what's her actual effect is on me that's a minus point and I have it that deep inside I fear her even if it is the tiniest bit. I have never seen her face clearly but one thing is clear she is beautiful looking how she holds herself

"Where is the girl?" I came out of my thought after I hear her question so that's the reason why she is here right now, that's interesting

"You never paid a visit to the hostages?" I hang my words in the middle that's another way to interrogate someone whom we need to dig out the answers from

"I need to see her; I need to know what's so special about her that the palace people love her so much," Master said in deep thinking seems like something is running through her mind

"Okay then I will send someone to bring her over here," I said to her, even though the girl is over here from few hours I didn't got a glimpse of her who she is actually seeing the fact that zev needed to keep her safe on the other hand I feel them more human than us right now at this while seeing the situation in front of me.

Star Vansion Moonorio (Rejection series book 1 ) COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now