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Zev Vasilii

We are here for more than 6 months going under strict training and everything sometimes I think that is it worth a try or we are just in some illusion that we will get what we desired for

The one reason I am here today helping these peoples with my people is that that they said they will give us land and they will form us into a pack who didn't want that a secured life where you can grow up your children's alongside with your mate. Just because we are rogues they look at us as a piece of shit, there are few of them who didn't get their mate just because they don't have pack they are outcast to this society

Why? What wrong did we do to get this punishment? Just because we were born to rogue families we too wanted recognization like others and she said that she will bring that to us she will give recognition that's the only reason we are here

No one has ever seen her face we don't know how she looks what she is how she is and why is she doing this, we are just following her orders and what she wanted to do from us sometimes a thought cross across my mind can we believe her, she is indeed powerful I have no doubt on that but still something is there which is warning me to not believe her with closed eyes

"We have a problem" I came out of my thought when I heard Davis voice I know him since I was five when I was running away from few pack peoples I had stumbled across him and he was the one who helped me that day and since then we are best friends

"What's the problem?" I asked him hoping that it's not a major one and we can solve it easily

"Dax said that we have to take a girl out of the palace without anyone noticing about her missing and get out from there as soon as possible," he said looking at me not understanding what to do

"And who is the girl he was referring to?" I questioned him feeling suddenly conscious of what we are going to do, getting inside the palace is something which is not so easy

"She is a human and she is the only human there so we can track her down easily that's what he said to me," Davis said looking nervous all of a sudden

"And why are you nervous all of a sudden?" I questioned him looking at his face which is clearly indicating that he is nervous

"How will we enter inside the Moonorio kingdom?" he questioned me and he has a point but he forgot that there is someone from the kingdom as well who is helping us

"That will not be a problem, the main problem is not to get caught by them," I said to him and he nodded in confirmation "We will do it tonight we don't have enough time left"

I left from there and went towards dax to know why he needed a human with us. I reached near my destination even though it seems like an abandoned warehouse from outside but when you get inside only then you will know the interior of it and you will be spellbound we just need to get inside the place

I entered through the hidden wall and I came to the place which is not less than any small village peoples are training in different fields here some are trying their hands on the shooting skills and someone is doing hand to hand combat there are several houses built inside this small warehouse which is unbelievable

They say that it's the women in a cloak who made this all through her magic she has the magic which can beat to the current queen of moonorio kingdom I looked around the ground to locate dax but seems like he is nowhere I stopped one of the fellow "have you seen dax?" I questioned him

"Yeah he is in the main house" I nodded my head and started to move towards the house where we are staying as well from last few months even though I am not in the favor of working with the hunters but we have to be stable and that will be only when we are a pack I entered inside the house and sighed looking around

Star Vansion Moonorio (Rejection series book 1 ) COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now