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I tried to make her understand that it's not her fault Marcus is an asshole who didn't deserve my sister, I still remember the slap Martha gave him and I am proud of her for choosing our family over him

She is everything which I wanted in my life a beautiful caring mate of mine I will do anything to make her happy and the child is a bonus in all this

Li fell asleep in my arms so I took her to her room and laid her on the bed and came out everyone is sitting there with pain in their eyes I moved towards Martha and sat beside her she instantly came in my arms and cried

"How can he do that to her, I thought he always want a mate and when he got a beautiful and caring one he screwed everything how can he do that"

"Shhhh baby he is an asshole and he will regret it for sure"

I said to her for which she nodded and then I looked at everyone

"Pack your bags we are leaving as soon as possible"

All nodded their head and started the packing I gone home for packing mine and Martha's clothes and said to her to pack Li's clothes we need to leave when she wakes up, she need fresh breathe away from him and this trip will do it

When I entered pack house I saw dad and mum sitting in living and talking to Pablo and col

"When are you all going?" mum asked me stopping me in my tracks

"I came to pack mine and Martha's clothes after that we all will leave from home itself and that to today" they nodded their head

"And yes please Marcus should not know where we are going"

I told them seriously and they looked at me with raised brows I sighed

"Please I will tell you everything after we come from palace but still then he should not know anything about this"

They nodded their heads and I moved to my room and packed everything which is needed and left bid good bye to family when I reached home I saw everyone is there with packed bags placed in the hall and Martha is also sitting there

"Is she awake?"

"Yeah she is and freshening up we will leave as she came down"

Martha replied to me so I came and sat beside her holding her hands she is holding me in place otherwise I would have went to Marcus and killed him long ago.

After few minutes she came back and we all hit the road in 2 different trucks and filled our bags in both trunks me and Martha is in one and the 4 is in the other one

Martha is fast asleep and I don't know what to do or say I am stuck in everything Li has huge responsibility in her shoulder for which she needed to be calm and I hope the guys were able to make her calm I know Liam will do anything to make her calm and happy but is that enough for her I know she need to reject Marcus and move on will she do it or not is still a big question to me.


Oh god what have I done why the hell didn't I thought about it beforehand, what will I do if Cal see him there what will I answer to him how can I be so stupid for not thinking anything at all.

I closed my eyes feeling helpless once again I can't lose someone close to me once again no I can't I am not that much strong I came out of my trace when I felt someone holding my hand I looked towards the source and saw a very worried looking jammy looking at me with concern

"What's the matter May?" I heard jammy voice in my head

"What if Cal saw him there what will I do what will I answer I am clueless Jammy I don't know what to do and what not in the eagerness of meeting him I totally forgotten about Cal coming with us"

Star Vansion Moonorio (Rejection series book 1 ) COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now