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The field was covered with blood, ripped skin ripped head all from the direction the smell is so sticking that they have to cover away it's quite impossible to point out which is their head and which is their body. Macy has opened a portal and asked Adolph to go and closed it instantly

Calvin and Macy were covering each other back and fighting with the vampires "We need to talk about Cian" Cal said killing one of the vampire which came in front of him

"And you think this is the correct time for this talk," Macy said shooting a glare towards him and stopping a vampire by her hand who looked at them in confusion cal stopped another one of his hand "Stop for a minute guys we have an important discussion ahead of us," Cal said looking towards the guy who was charging towards them to which they looked each other in confusion

"But after this war, we have to go back to our home," One of the vampires who was attacking Macy said seeing the scene in front of him

"And why do you have to go to your home this soon?" Cal questioned him and seeing the scene unfolding in front of them Liam just shook his head knowing very well that it's not good to interfere right now so he focused his eyes on his enemies

"My wife is waiting for me what else," said the vampire looking at both of them

"Oh god you are ruined man," Cal said with deep empathy "Now I don't even want to kill you or fight with you," Cal said and shook his head

"Why?" The vampire asked with confusion and everyone else is also looking at the scene even few of them stopped fighting and started to hear it

"You have a wife already," Cal said like that simple words gave all answers, Macy looked at him with full anger and lunged towards him

"You are so dead Cal" Cal dodged the attack when one of the vampires asked

"Is she your wife?" to which Cal looked at him and nodded his head in negative

"Not my wife, she is the mother of my child" Which made the vampires all the more confuse not understanding actually what's the difference

"What's the difference?" one of them questioned but before Cal could answer Macy pulled Cal's hair angerly

"Women that hurts," Cal said rubbing his hair

"You are not going to meet Cian," Macy said and left from there and looked towards the vampires "Come now, I can't kill him but it's good that you all are here to make my anger less" when the vampires saw the menacing look on her face they felt fear engulf him all of a sudden they all know that death is near but seeing the eyes of macy which is shooting daggers make them feel like its good to die from their own hands rather than in her hands

When they were contemplating over these they saw someone falling from a long tree Cal pulled Macy towards him and looked at the direction only to see the man fallen is one of the hunters who are sniper as well Cal looked above and saw one of the members of Crawler's pack he knew that jammy's decision is right calling them for the help in the war they are very useful indeed

Vampires looked down and then looked up only to see there is nothing left other than mist they are confused about who killed the man and they looked towards Cal in confusion

"What? I am not your leader, you should look towards your leader and ask him the question of what is actually happening" Cal said with a nonchalant expression to which they looked at each other in confusion

"But we are not from any Clan, we are out of the clan and we are trying to join clans but they are not letting us, the women said if we win in this war then we will have our own clan then there are no worries for getting killed by officials"

Star Vansion Moonorio (Rejection series book 1 ) COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now