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"When MEDIOCRIS PULVIS is mixed with DEMON MAGIC, BLACK MAGIC AND WITCH SPELL it's power will became much stronger than anyone can think, it has positive effect as well as some negative effects it was created so that we can stop wars by taking their senses from them it is affectable to everyone except HYBRIDS, KING AND QUEEN of supernatural beings and the PROTECTORS of them and the PRINCESS & PRINCE of supernatural and her PROTECTORS and the only way to stop is when love of DEMON & FAIRY is mixed with the FIVE ELEMENTS of Earth as well as with the power of SUPERIORITY & SUPER SUPERIORTY without any inhibition"

Amanda said looking towards me I closed my eyes not understanding what is meant by that love of demon and fairy mixed with five elements of earth as well as with the power of superiority and super superiority without any inhibition I racked my brain yet I didn't get answer to my question

"My mom is fairy and my dad is demon and they love each other does it what meant by the first line 'love of demon and fairy'?" damon asked me looking serious

"May be, and the five elements of earth is not a hard task seeing that I will get fairies or witches who will willingly help in this" I said looking towards them

"And what does it mean by superiority and super superiority?" liam said thinking about it

"What if it meant by the queen and then princess after all queen has more power so she is super superiority and princess power is less than queen may be she is superiority" Amanda said looking at us unsure

"Yeah may be that was what it meant by" I said looking towards her not knowing what we came across is right or wrong thinking something I mind linked granny and said to her to come to my room along with grandpa may be they will knew better of this riddle

After few minutes I heard the knock and I opened the door of the room there stood granny grandpa along with shadow I looked beside him to find the little girl but she is missing in the picture

"She is with Lucifer and I put him in the dungeons" he answered my unasked question and I nodded giving them space to enter in the room

"Who is with Lucifer and who is in dungeon?" granny asked looking towards me I sighed hearing it I have no time to elaborate everything right now so short cut is best for now

"Amanda's granddaughter is with Lucifer and the leader of the one clan of hunter where she found is in the dungeon" I stopped did I make sense by what I said actually right now I don't even want answer for that I looked towards granny and saw her looking at me in confusion and I looked towards grandpa and saw the recognition in his eyes

"Why did you called us here?" he asked and then looked around the room that's when his eyes landed on Amanda and mordecai "What are they doing here? And what happened to him?" grandpa said looking towards unconscious mordecai

"We never found the solution because all the time they were helping the hunters and the witches who was making all this ordeal right now, mordecai was in all this from start and Amanda was forced to do what she did they killed her son and daughter in law and kept her grandchild with them so that they can do anything with the help of her"

I said looking towards them there is nothing wrong to be selfish sometimes that's what make us different from others may be I would have done the same what she have done to save her only left family

"Did you find anything?" that question brought me out of my thoughts and I looked directly towards the source of the question I sighed looking into grandpa eyes something is bothering him as well

"Yeah it seems like that amanda's grandmother has already made the spell which will cut through the current spell od mediocris pulvis and she put the book over here in the palace library but the main part is that the solution is in riddle and we have come to a conclusion yet there is something amiss in it what is it I am not able to understand"

Star Vansion Moonorio (Rejection series book 1 ) COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now