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The look on his face was like a sad joker its funny to see the look on his face I laughed loudly by seeing this and Cian is looking at him like he didn't understand anything how can he when he is just 2 may and Cal is glaring at me if look could kill I will be under 6 feet by now

"There is nothing like what you see" he tried to explain

"We will meet soon very soon Cal" I tried to sound like her Cal looked at me with open mouth and I can see smoke coming out of may I laughed again oh this is so funny

"Shut up Jammy" he said angrily

"May I can explain to you who is she" may looked at him in raised brow and shook her head

"I don't want to know Cal" before she could complete one of the helper came and placed our sandwich plus juice, I took it and ate may altogether avoided looking at Cal but his eyes were stuck on may

After finishing we took the dishes to kitchen cleaned it and went to meet granny we have to talk this to her if may is not comfortable around Joshua then no one can pressurize her into doing that

When we reached granny office I knocked before opening the door and saw grandpa sitting there beside granny I am close to grand pa more than granny when he saw me he got up and I rushed towards his open arms and hugged him

"I missed you boyfriend"

"I missed you too girlfriend"

He kissed my forehead and I kissed his cheeks may came towards grandpa he gave a warm hug to her also I know she is close to grandpa and grandma he kissed her

"I missed u may"

"I missed u too grandpa"

We settled down on the chairs in front of their table

"What brought you both here early it's not time for the meeting to start" granny asked

"Actually I have a request to make to you regarding the meeting" she raised her brow in confusion it's not like I always come up with something like this she nodded her head to continue

"Me and may wanted to stay out of meeting hall, I know there is camera set with voice recorder we will sit in the media room and will listen to the meeting but we will not be there in front of everyone I want to stay in the background if the need occur I will be there in front of everyone otherwise I still want to be like the invisible force"

I said looking sheepishly I can't put may in the front I know if I put myself then there will be less questions or no questions as well and that's what I am trying to do

"She has a point in her saying we still wanted her off the radar so it will be better if she stay away in this I mean she will be there listening everything and off radar as well if her need occurs she will be there"

Grandpa said and granny waited for few minutes thinking over this and finally she nodded her head in confirmation I sighed in relief seeing it and as well may was happy I just hope there will never be need occurs

"The meeting will be starting in 10 minutes you can sit in my office and listen to everything happening" granny said

"Ok we will be here in 10 minutes you can go to meeting we just have to look for kiara and hand her Cian, he is with Cal right now"

May said they both nodded we came out of the office and moved towards the dinning where the both father son duo were still sitting and talking seems like they both are trying to know each other as much as they can

Star Vansion Moonorio (Rejection series book 1 ) COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now