Fake Love

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***** For you I could pretend I was happy when I was sad. *****


***** For you I could pretend like I was strong when I was hurt. *****



For you I would fake a lot of things. I love your smile. I want to keep that smile. Take it. Keep it. Cherish it as my own. So I would do a lot of things to make sure you had it. I don't care if i get put through pain in the process. You give me my strength, my will to keep going. You heal me. I wish i could hide my pain. I wish you didn't see through me. I don't want to let you down. I want to be strong for you. I want to be the person you want me to be. Ill change myself to make you happy. But the lies I tell to you, to myself. The kill the flower we planted. The petals begin to fall, the love begins to die. I love you. But the thing we call our love isn't love. Its another allusion in our reality. We didn't even notice that it died. Its fake. It isn't real at all anymore.

I'm sorry.

We're consumed in a fake love.

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