Blood,Sweat And Tears

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*** My Blood,Sweat and Tears. ***




*** My Body,Mind, and Soul. ***



My blood sweat and tears. Take them from me. Drain my blood. Soak my sweat. cry my tears. Rip them from me. leave me breathless and white. Make this curse my punishment. Take it all. Because I am yours. My body my mind and soul. They all belong to you. Peaches and cream. Sweeter than sweet. Chocolate cheeks and chocolate wings. But the wings on your back are the devils. You fly though the sky by the devils wishes. He controls you. He corrupts you. You fly blind thinking that it is what you want. With a smirk risen upon your face you stare at me. This is who you are now. Before sweetness you find bitter. You are the sweetness. You wings are the bitter. Kiss me as if it dosen't matter. As if you arn't the devils slave. As if you dint sell your sole for your wings. If it hurts, make it tighter. Make me numb to the pain. Drink and get drunk. Your problems will fly away. I am the whiskey flowing down your throat. Shake me, hurt me. Make me unconscious. I can no longer feel the pain. Kiss me on the lips and take my everything. The secrets between us. I am addicted. Im trapped in the prison that is you. And drink the poison witch is you. I cant love no one except you. Kill me softly in your arms. Close my eyes with your gentle touch against my cheek. I cant reject you. I cant escape you. Your lips are too sweet coated in a bitter poison.

You are my Blood,Sweat and Tears.

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