Chapter 1

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You take a deep breath, taking a moment to pause and really take in what was around you. You had just pulled the yellow lever of the radio tower Dutch sent you to, and now you're looking down at the most breathtaking sight you've ever seen.

The fog was below you; you must not have noticed it while you were climbing up the several ladders of the tower. You could see several mountains in the distance, almost like Hope County was surrounded by a bowl to block off the evil antics that were hiding within it... that was about to change.

See, now you're here. You may be just a rookie, but the fire burning within was greater than any emotion you've ever felt. They took your friends. You would go through hell and back to beat the shi- "Deputy? Deputy!"

You didn't even notice you had zoned out while gazing at the land below, being able to distinguish the three regions below belonging to each of Joseph's Heralds. "What is it?" You finally say with a click of the radio transmitter.

"Deputy, I'm getting a strong signal now. Let me walk you through what I'm seeing..." You listen carefully at Dutch's words as he tells you which region belongs to which sibling.

Whitetail Mountains, belonging to the former soldier who brought the bad habits back home with him- Jacob Seed. He's the oldest brother, in charge of training the cult... From what you can tell by Dutch's explanation, he's pretty damn good at it.

Then you have the Henbane River, home of the seemingly sweet Faith Seed. "I've heard all kinds of stories about people losing their minds in a place called 'The Bliss." Dutch had an underlying trace of disgust in his voice as he talked about the adopted younger sister.

And Finally, Holland Valley. John Seed had, apparently, just arrived in the Valley and was already claiming everything for the cult- food, supplies, land, and people. The moment was surreal feeling while you listened to Dutch tell you about the cult. Perhaps you should have been paying more attention to what he was saying about the last region... Surprises are never good.

You couldn't help it, you needed a moment to understand that this is the real world and evil like this actually exists. Besides, the view below you was becoming more and more captivating as Dutch rambled over the radio. You get it, he knows a lot about Hope County. His words were cut off "Oh shit-"

You snap your attention back to the radio in time for him to continue, not waiting for you to egg him on. "Deputy, I'm pickin' up somethin' new 'outta Holland Valley. It's a broadcast from John... You need to see this."

The radio clicks off and Dutch immediately send the video to the small TV screen perched on the radio tower.

"We are all sinners... Every one of us-" The Baptist began, turning around with his hands folding together and turning his face to the screen. It gave you a weird sensation while you watched the man preach to the camera, his stunning blue eyes cutting through the screen and staring straight into your soul.

You could see a blue silk dress shirt under his leather coat; more intriguingly, you noticed a tangle of scars poking out between his shirt buttons. You curiously trace your fingernail against the scar on the tiny screen, almost wishing you could see what else was under his shirt.

The screen cuts, making you jump a little as it shows him walking down toward a few peggies. You could hear soft music playing in the background of the video in a peaceful, uplifting tone. "What if I told you, you could be free from sin? What if I told you that everything you ever dreamed could come true? What if I-"

Your mind begins to spin in a hundred directions. John Seed was definitely charismatic, that's for sure. Yet, that's not what was bothering you. His message was very uplifting and promising; the peggies in the shot looked to be in good health and happy. You understood it was a broadcast and was fake, so why is your head still spinning.

Maybe.... just, maybe... it was those bright blue eyes. Perhaps the way his sunglasses perched on his perfectly slicked back hair or even his bittersweet voice cutting through the gentle wind on the radio tower. Whatever it was, you were curious to find out more. You take a glance at Holland Valley, daydreaming about meeting the blue eyed Baptist. You weren't paying attention when Dutch was telling you about him, but he didn't seem to be so bad...

You turn back to the screen to see more, or just to push away the butterflies that were dancing in your stomach. Your eyes immediately go to John in the corner of the screen before slowly trailing to a woman with tape over her mouth being pushed at gunpoint by a peggie. Your heart instantly sank deep into the pit of your stomach- Hudson.

Every butterfly was shot out of you and each glimpse of attraction was revoked as you watched the Baptist of the Valley put his hand ever so gently around her neck. You could see the fear in her tear-stained eyes.

"Don't worry, you don't have to do anything" He held his hand up gently as he wrapped up his broadcast, "We'll come for you."

John walked out if view of the camera and the screen zapped out to blackness, leaving you staring at the hatred in your own eyes as they reflected off the blackness.

Revenge... That is the first word that popped into your head. You were going to make him pay for what he's doing to Hudson; you were going to make them all pay, each and every one of them until they are the ones crying for help.

If you could just get past.... those eyes..

I am absolutely excited for this story and I hope you will love it as much as I do!

Please keep an eye out for updates, I will try to update frequently because I know how frustrating it can be when you want to read more of a story!

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