Chapter 3

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Your vision faded back in as you were being drug across mud into a river. You heard a voice preaching in the background, but you were too exhausted to bother listening. Part of you wondered how you were alive, or how you felt no pain from where you were shot.

It was only when the peggie dragging you, dunked your head under water that you finally came back from your paralysis. You gripped the peggies shoulder as you struggled, desperately needing to take another breath. Why didn't they just just shoot you? Why knock you out just to drown you?

When you thought you couldn't take any more, the peggie picked you up out of the water and onto your feet. Then you realized- was this... a baptism? The peggie pushed you towards the man who was reading from what seemed to be a Bible.

You caught you breath as you approached him, you could see hints of his facial features from a feint blue light that was illuminating the baptism. John.

Was it fear, or was it something else that was making your stomach do somersaults as you got closer to him?

He shut his book and muttered something under his breath to the man who was holding you. "Ah, Deputy." He cheered, grabbing your shoulders. All of the peggies that were once in the river began to scatter with their captured victims, leaving you and John alone.

You let your breath go and gave a hesitant smile before being shoved backwards into the water. A gulp of water was forced down your throat, leaving you unable to breathe. "There's a special place in Hell for sinners like you." He growled, tossing you down in the mud on your hands and knees.

You coughed up the river water out if your lungs, longing to breathe easy once more. You felt John roll you over on your back, making it harder for you to breathe. "Awwh," He mocked in a condescending tone, shaking his head at you with a tsk noise.

He knelt down and his face got close to yours, so close that you could see the aqua dancing with the deep blue waves in his eyes. His hand grasped the collar of your jacket, "I think it's about time for you to confess, Deputy... Don't you see? I'm trying to- we're trying to save you." His lips were getting closer to your face.

Your thoughts were lost more in his eyes and his touch than the words he spoke. "Come with me?" Was John Seed asking you to be his prisoner? What's even the point?

You didn't respond; it's not like he really expected you to anyway. Curiosity was getting the best of you as your E/C eyes trailed down to his soft pink lips. They formed into a twisted smirk when the Baptist realized what you were doing. "Sin is pervasive, Deputy."

John stood up and brought you to your feet, shouting something loudly- possibly a name? Your suspicions were confirmed when the peggie you were accompanied by earlier rushed over from the road. "This one is ready for confession." John smiled, gripping your shoulder tightly and putting his other hand gently around your throat.

You took a hard swallow and tried to keep strong so neither one of the men knew you were terrified as fuck. John tightened his grip on your throat, barely enough to constrict your breathing. "You will tell me every sin you've ever committed... No matter how small, no matter how petty." You could feel his hot breath against your ear while he whispered to you. You close your eyes when you hear a sinister chuckle; you could imagine the smirk he had plastered on his face about now. "And, no one is coming to save you."

John let go and you were left with the peggie who was pushing your back with the tip of his gun towards a truck that was just pulling up. You glance back at John for a moment to see a glimpse of him wink at you.

YAAAAY!!! You met John Seed up close and personal! I hope you're enjoying the story so far. There is more to come and I'm very excited about it :)

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