Chapter 13

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"She took out fifteen..." A new voice shouted in the distant room as you came to with your consciousness. You examine your surroundings to reveal a church-type vibe and- Hudson?

You and Hudson are both tied up to rolling chairs with duct tape around your mouths. In panic, you look to your Deputy as if she would have the answer you were searching for. Her tear-stained eyes tell you that there is nothing she can tell you about what is about to happen.

Joseph Seed walks into the room, every step he takes is powerful and purposeful. Every decision he made physically was bold and proved his power in this sick operation. Behind him skips Faith, a blissful child-like figure that you haven't seen much of before now. She follows closely to the Father, neither of them paying you or Hudson any mind. As they're walking into the next room, John enters the room from where Joseph and Faith had just come from. Following behind him with a rifle in hand is the brute, Jacob Seed.

You want to spit in his face for knocking you out, but instead you let your eyes follow John as he walks in his brother and sister's steps. His head is pointed down to the floor like a kid who was just told he couldn't have his toy since he didn't eat dinner. Just before reaching the doorway to his next destination, he looks directly into your eyes with a cold and shut-off glance.

You notice Jacob furrows his brows at you in curiosity for the reason behind your lingering watch on his little brother.

Joseph is shouting some sort of scripture to the group of peggies in the other room, who are all screaming in joy and chanting things. The voices are too muffled for you to understand just what either of them are saying.

John disappears into the other room, but Jacob stays behind last second and walks carefully over to you. He takes out his hunting knife and lifts your chin with the flat edge of it, "What a pretty one John's caught himself..."

"Hmm. That's just too bad. What a waste." He chuckles demonically. He turns to Hudson and gives her a simple smirk that makes her start crying again.

You don't even want to know what she's been through, she is the strongest girl you know.

Jacob disappears into the room with the rest of his siblings. Moments later, four Peggies quickly rush to yours and Hudson's chairs- two to each chair. They rush you towards the door and you are rolled out to a stage where Joseph is gesturing where you and Hudson are entering. "My children," he begins, talking out in a strong voice to his crowd. "There will be a reckoning. That is why we started The Project. Because we know what happens next."

Joseph points to you and Hudson, "They will come. They will try to take from us. Take our guns, take our freedom. Take our faith. We will not let them. We will not let their greed, or their immorality, or their depravity hurt us anymore! There will be no more suffering!" You wiggle in your chair trying to escape. What type of fresh hell is this?

The Peggies go wild and start waving their weapons in the air and yelling for you both to be killed. Joseph holds up both of his hands to calm them down. Jacob gets too excited or something and takes out the hunting knife from before and holds it against your neck, making the crowd get excited once again.

The cold steel against your neck makes you tense up and close your eyes tightly. Were you brought here just to be publicly slaughtered? You hold your breath in fear of swallowing the lump in your throat and forcing the blade into your skin. "Stop this." John growls, grabbing Jacob's wrist and yanking it away. You open your eyes to see Jacob smirking curiously, "Why, John?"

They stare one another down with tense glares, daring the other to make another move. "Enough!" Joseph announces. The two brother cease their quarrel and turn to focus on the Father. "Yes, she is a sinner. Yes, she will be judged." Joseph carefully walks over to you, placing his hands on your armrest and leaning in close to your face. "She has yet to atone for what she has done..."

"We are not here to hurt you, Deputy..." You stare back into his eyes that are filtered from his yellow aviators for half of a minute. "Faith, take this one in the other room so everyone can settle down." Joseph quietly requests so he can continue with his sermon.

The young girl gladly takes your chair and rolls you into the room you were originally in. "Oh, let's get this off of you..." She sweetly insists, taking the duct tape corner gently in her fingers. With a smile, she rips the adhesive off in one motion. "Ow!" You shout, wanting to grab your mouth to keep it from throbbing.

"So, you're the Deputy?" She begins, sitting in a chair across the room. "There is absolutely no part of me interested in listening to what you have to say, Faith Seed." You make sure to scoff when her name rolls off your tongue. "Hmm. Suit yourself." She shrugs, playing with her soft blonde hair.

"You're lucky I'm tied up... The second I get out of this chair, you and your whole family are fucking dead." You growl. She raises an eyebrow at you, "Even John?"

The question sets you back, the only thing John had done was stop Jacob from killing you- hardly any reason to think... unless she's playing games with you to make sure the project is safe.

You know it's too late, you have already waited way too long to respond, and her hazel eyes are focusing intensely on you. You swallow the lump in your throat, "Especially him." She smiles in approval, "Great. We'll see about that after you reach atonement."

Before you can respond, John walks into the room. You look away from him in disgust. "Sister, Joseph would like you to be back in there. I will watch the sinner."

You hear his boots coming closer after Faith leaves, but you refuse to look at him. "Deputy." Your eyes dart to his, keeping your mouth in a fine line. "They weren't going to hurt you.. This is just something Joseph does to the sinners we capture like Deputy Hudson there." The crowd in the other room is cheering loudly.

You muster up the courage to spit in his face. John steps back and wipes it off, staring at you in disbelief mixed with rage. He slaps you hard enough to make your chair tip over sideways just as Joseph and the others are walking back in, Hudson rolling behind them with a Peggie.

"John! What have I told you about wrath?" Joseph snarls, getting close to his face. He drops his head, "Yes, Joseph.."

In the background you can see Jacob chuckling at the situation in some sick form of amusement. Joseph walks away, leaving John with his head down and blue eyes watching him leave. When they are gone, he turns to the Peggy, "Take Deputy Hudson back to her room in my bunker."

The Peggy nods and John looks to you, "I will deal with this one."

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