Chapter 2

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It had been an entire week since your friends were taken from you. You still have flashbacks and nightmares remembering the helicopter crash... Deputy Hudson screaming beside you as she was being dragged away by peggies, even the chilling sound of "the Father" singing amazing grace would get stuck in your head. You hated when that happened, it made you want to scratch your ears off and scream until the music was drowned out.

Most days, you would release your anger on settlements that were overcome by those fucking peggies. You hated to admit it, but popping rounds into their skulls gave you a sick sensation that each life was a step closer to Deputy Hudson.

You turn your attention towards the bright red structure standing tall just over the hill. It disgusted you to see the cult's symbol painted on the silo for you to see across the river.

You snuck up the hill to make sure no one was around before you wrap your finger around the grenade pin in your hand and toss it gently at the base of the silo, immediately taking cover after.

A strange ping of regret swept over you for destroying one of John's silos. "It's the Deputy!" You hear a mans voice from behind you. You whip around and lock eyes with a man the same time he locked his onto yours- peggie.

Before he could aim his gun to you, you instinctively drew yours and shot in his direction.

The peggie fell lifelessly; you checked his pockets and gun for potential ammo you could need in the future. The radio clicks on your hip and you anticipate the sound of the Sheriff or even Dutch. "Deputy," The voice sent a chill down your spine. It was a low, threatening grumble you had never heard before.

"Have your parents never taught you never to touch what does not belong to you?" You fell back onto the sack of feed you were hiding behind, your mouth was parted slightly as you listened to the voice you identified to be none other than John Seed.

"You are hurting, I get it- I do." There were uncomfortable pauses between his harsh message. Your heart began to beat faster and you couldn't seem to swallow the lump that was residing within your throat.

"Let me help you, Deputy. Let me wash your sins from your life. Every town you've destroyed, every Shrine- destroyed... it can all be forgiven."

He paused, either to let you sink in his words, or wait for an answer he knew he wouldn't get. "My people are coming for you... They will bring you to me. Oh, and don't try to fight it, because the harder you resist, well-" He gave a deep chuckle after letting his tongue linger too long on his last word, "The harder we'll have to scrub your soul."

You could practically feel your pulse attempting to escape your body. "See you soon, Deputy." You jumped up to your feet and began to run straight for the woods. He obviously knew where you were after you destroyed his silo; it isn't like it went down quietly. You weren't sure if his words sounded more like a threat or a promise, but the hell if you were going to stick around to find out.

You ran for miles, headed straight towards Falls End to seek refuge with your friends. Finally, the church peaks out from the fog- you were almost there!

Just then, an off-white pickup whips in front of you with several surrounding you. You stumble backwards to avoid smacking into the truck. You draw your gun and shoot one of the peggies twice in the chest. It didn't matter, there were too many of them and you were surrounded. You were sure death was imminent. "Hit her with the bliss!"

You turn towards the voice with your handgun outstretched in his direction until you were met by a sharp pain in your abdomen.

Instantly, you fell into the dirt with a dozen peggies jumping out of trucks to surround you. You wish you could fight, you wish you could put a bullet in every damn one of their skulls. But... you couldn't. You could hardly breathe anymore, nevertheless see them.

Everything faded away into blackness and for once, you were at peace.

I am SO excited for the next chapter! We finally get to meet John Seed in person! :D Isn't he just so..... ugh!

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