Markus x Reader: Part Two

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"I love you,"

As soon as the words left my lips I regretted them: he'd never love someone like me. So I got up and I abruptly I started to run. I ran as far as I could, as fast as I could, until I couldn't possibly take it anymore. Looking back into the mist I searched for signs of Markus' figure. Finding none, I made my way to the first cafe I could find and stayed for hours. It was at this point I had probably overstayed my welcome, but the fog had slightly lifted.

It was a different part of town that I was in now. It was quiet and bright. Flowers lay sprawled about everyone's lawns, and color was anything but sparse. I had, once again, found my way to a park which was fairly close to my walk from the cafe.

Everything was very inviting: the people, the benches, the atmosphere. It felt like I had stepped through a portal to a different world. For a moment I could forget Leo and Markus and my dad and just exist.

I sat under a tree admiring the surroundings as the sky began to turn a mix of orange and pinks.

"Get back here, hey, Detroit police!" a figure yelled, turning into the park and bursting into a sprint, chasing after seemingly no one.

"Hey, you! Get over here and quit hiding from me!" It was at this moment that I realized that he was talking to... me?


The figure was now gripping my arm, and I noticed that it was a man... an android. With the strength he held, he would probably leave bruises after he removed his hand.

"Hey, what the hell are you doing?" I asked, annoyed out of my wits.

"You know exactly what, deviant. Removing your LED, real smart. Hank, I've got it, let's go!" he cried out, putting me in handcuffs.

"Are you fucking kidding me? I'm not a deviant!"

"Save it,"

I was shoved into a car and brought to what I could assume was the police department. Walking through the halls, everyone stared at me as if I was a monster.

No longer held by the original man, I was thrown into a small room and handcuffed to the table.

"Let's skip the sweet talk: you're gonna tell me why you did it,"

"Firstly, it's nice to meet you too. Secondly, I have no fucking clue what I supposedly 'did', and thirdly, I don't even know your name."

"Name's Gavin. Happy? Now quit fucking with me and playing stupid. Why did you murder your owner and steal the little girl? Where. Is. She?"

"Okay, listen here, fuckface, I have no clue what you're talking about and at this point, I think I'm done trying to reason with an idiot old man,"

"Okay, liste-" Gavin's voice grew angry before he was cut off with the door opening.

"Connor will take over talking before you damage... it," an older man called in the room, shoving in the same android from before.

I set my forehead on the table, sighing and wondering how I had gotten myself into this situation.

"You know, you sure mimic human behavior very well. I'm impressed." Connor smirked, pulling a chair out to sit across from me.

"Wow, thanks. The whole 18 years of being human probably help," I remarked sarcastically, rolling my eyes.

"We can do this the easy way, or the hard way. Your choice, isn't it?"

"Ooh, and what's the hard way? I'm sooo intrigued! Y'know, having the undivided attention of a deviant hunter is fun, I should get wrapped up in messes more often," I chuckled, resting my head on the table and closing my eyes, "but this is getting boring now and I'd really rather leave,"

Connor stood and started walking around the room, giving me the chance to pick the lock on the handcuffs. He was this oh-so fantastic deviant hunter, yet it wasn't very attentive. In under a minute I had my hands free.

"Ah, Connor, you're so careless," I remarked, standing from the chair and chuckling, "and so inattentive,"

"You-" he cut himself off and shoved me against the wall, his arm to my throat, "who exactly are you?"

"H-hey, kinda need to breathe,"

"Fine, we'll do this my way," he smirked before looking away, "just remember, you made the interrogation come to this."

He suddenly grabbed my arm, obviously expecting something to happen, and suddenly shocked when nothing did.

He pulled back gasping, the door opened and people shuffled in, included the douche from before.

"You.. You're not-" Connor started, but I cut him off.

"An android. Yeah, I've been trying to tell you that. I'm Y/N Manfred, now do you wanna call my dad and tell him you just physically assaulted and interrogated his daughter for no reason, or shall I? Either way, he's gonna have to come get me."

"Ah shit, Connor, look what you did," the man with shaggy gray hair called over Connors shoulder.

"But Hank..."

I laughed and smirked, "I'm fucking with you guys. This was fun, and I hope you find your deviant. My dad won't hear about this, it's fine."

Gavin seemed the most shocked of us all, but then had the guts to approach me with a sly expression, "not an android huh? Well I mean, you got the perfect body, who could've known?"

I rolled my eyes, kneed him in the balls, and walked out of the room, "besides you. You're an asshole, Gavin. Anyway, this has been a good time, but I should be going,"

"I apologize for this, I should have tested earlier to see whether or not you were actually human," Connor stared into me as he apologized.

"Don't worry, but would you mind me asking you guys a favor?"

"Shoot," Hank called, leaning against his desk.

"A ride home? I can't exactly call my dad, yeah?"

"I can take you home, if you'd like. Hank, may I borrow the car?" Connor asked, receiving some keys throw straight into his forehead, "thank you,"

The car ride was filled with obnoxious apologies I didn't want nor need. It was an adventure of a day and I needed to get out of the house, but no matter how much I tried to explain this to Connor he would. Not. Listen.

"Alright, this is where I get off. As I said before, no worries," I was about to get out before turning back to Connor, "y'know, if you ever need me, just send me a quick call, okay?"

I recited my number to him before exiting the car. As soon as the door shut an anxious Markus exited the house, breathing heavily as if seeing my filled him with relief.

"Y/N... C'mon, let's go inside. We need to talk,"

"We don't though, it's okay,"

We walked through the threshold of the house, the door closing behind us.

I was ignoring Markus until I heard the very few words I couldn't bare to hear from him.

"Carl said I no longer have be an android of service here,"

My heart shattered, but I wouldn't let him see it. I just walked into my room and nodded, "whatever is better for you, right?"

He sat on the edge of my bed and set his hand on my thigh, "but it's for good reason-"

"I'm old enough to care for myself and him, you need your freedom. Don't worry about me, Markus. Disregard what I said earlier. Live for you, pretend I never happened," I said softly, getting up to stare out the window, waiting for him to just up and leave.

"No! That's the opposite of what I intended!"

"W-what?" I turned to face him, but instead was met facing a broad chest.

He shook his head and pulled me into his arms, kissing me as if he was fearful. Not afraid of me, but afraid... to lose me?

When he pulled away he held me close, "I love you, damn it, but all you do is run from me. What can I do to prove to you that I love you?"

I looked up at him and smiled, a hand holding his cheek, "kiss me again,"

And he did.

Run: Detroit Become Human One Shots *Hiatus Lifting 3/31/22!*Where stories live. Discover now