Hank x Reader

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I couldn't see. My hair was glued to my face with blood as I stumbled through the dark abandoned streets looking for any sign of help. The rain poured heavily, obscuring my vision further.

"Excuse me, miss." A voice called from behind me. 

I spun around quickly, furthering how dizzy I felt. Blood continued to pour from the wound on my head as I attempted to make out a face, but I saw nothing as the world around me went black. 



I jerked awake, sitting up quickly, and then quickly regretted my action as my head felt like it was being stabbed repeatedly. 

"Woah, hey, chill out. You've got quite the injury there, you've gotta think more, jesus."

I looked toward the voice to see a man standing with an.. an android. Fear overtook my features as I scooted toward the end of the bed furthest from them.

"Hey, hey, you're okay! Calm down, we're not gonna hurt you," the man spoke, approaching.

I meekly pointed a finger toward the android, feeling no capability to form words.

The man followed to where my finger was pointing and nodded, "that's Connor, an android that works with me. Trust me, he's one of the least dangerous androids you can meet. That damn thick head of his... Anyway, he was the one who called my attention to you. He helped me get you all wrapped up. "

I nodded and breathed out softly, scooting more toward them once again, and he seemed to take this as a cue to speak again, "Well, as you know this is Connor, and I'm-"

"Hank.." I spoke softly, attempting to clear my throat, "he yelled it before I blacked out last night."

Hank sat on the edge of the bed as Connor stood awkwardly. 

"Connor, you can sit, if you'd like," I called out and he seemed shocked for a moment before following my command.. Weird.

"Anyway," Hank started, "what happened to you? You were bleeding pretty bad and stumbling around in the rain and the dead of night."

"You sure you want to hear the story?" I asked and they nodded, "I was visiting with my mother last night at her place. I hadn't seen her in a while so it was time I went to see her since she lives alone. Anyway, we had been talking for a few hours and enjoying ourselves when we'd realized how late it had gotten. I had then intended to spend the night. So we were up late talking more when we heard someone knocking at the back door. I wanted to approach it cautiously, y'know, check the window to see who it is before we open the door so late at night, but my mom was so worried that it was someone that needed help. Well, when she opened the door.."

I took a deep breath and closed my eyes before continuing, "It was my dad. He's a drunk and a deadbeat, but it had been who knows how many years since we had last seen him. I don't think I'd seen him since I was 16. That bastard was verbally abusive, so my mom and I packed up and left. Well, let's just say no one invited him over and hasn't in years. As soon as she opened the door he busted into the house, pushing passed her. His eyes were entirely glazed over and you could smell the alcohol on him from 15 feet away. He begged my mom to let him stay there, to take him back after all the things that happened these passed years, and when she said no, he got violent. He smacked her and I didn't need anything more before I had to intervene."

"That was not a good decision," Connor suggested and I chuckled.

"Probably not. I've been trained in hand-to-hand contact for years, as I'm in the police force working my way up into being a detective. But it's a little hard to take down someone a foot taller and 200 pounds heavier than you, but I went for it. I got between him and my mother and took him down. He was drunk, it was easy enough, but what I neglected to do was check to see if he had any sort of weapon on him. He had this big ass knife, let me tell you," I laughed bitterly, "He struck me with it but not before I swept his feet from under him, probably not the best decision on my part as it made the blow worse, but it knocked him out. It gave my mom time to run and gave me time to get out. But my dad had been preaching earlier about how deviants will do anything to stay alive, including killing if asked, and that he'd be sending them after me. But yeah there's my sob story, sorry you had to listen to all of that."

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