Chapter 17 - Dinner with Abigail

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Tension remained in the air for the next couple of days. Jocelyn was distant and very polite to Marc. She did all her chores without any complaint but spent as little time as possible with Marc. Marc tried a couple of times to talk to her but she was still far too angry to listen to him. She was clearly convinced that Marc was going to go back to Abigail and nothing that he could do or say was going to make her change her mind. After I have met up with Abigail then she will see that I am not going to take Abigail back as my lover, fiancé, wife, or whatever. I can only hope that she will open up again then. Convinced that it was the only way forward, Marc reserved a table at the Mediterraneano and made sure that he had Friday evening free.

As he was getting ready to leave on Friday to meet Abigail, Jocelyn came up to him.

"Please don't go Sir."

"But I must Jocelyn. I need to find out what Abigail is trying to do by having you work here."

"Oh, you don't care about me at all. You just want her." Jocelyn ran off to her room sobbing. Marc yelled "I am NOT going back to her" up the stairs at her. He glanced at his watch. There was no time left to sort this out now. He finished putting on his coat and left.

+ + +

The Mediterraneano was one of Marc's favorite restaurants in town. Although he didn't come here very often any more, the staff always greeted him as if he was part of their extended family. It was impossible not to respond to the big smile and handshake that the staff always gave him when he arrived. Before he knew what was happening his waiter had taken his jacket, seated him at his table, and was chatting to him comfortably while Marc decided what to drink. Marc chose one of their homemade lemonades. He knew from experience that they were delicious, being made from fresh fruits right here on the premises. Besides, he did not feel like having a wine or a beer before he had talked to Abigail and had found out what was going on.

Shortly afterwards Abigail arrived. There was an awkward moment. This was the first time that they had met since Abigail had left Marc. But Abigail bravely thrust out her hand to Marc. He shook it and they both sat down. Marc and Abigail made small talk until they had ordered their meals. As soon as the waiter left, Abigail leaned forward slightly and said "First of all, I want to apologize for leaving you the way that I did. You deserved better than that from me. I just knew that you would be able to talk me into staying and that it would have been the wrong thing to do for both of us. I am truly sorry that I hurt you like that."

Marc was surprised but pleased with this opening gambit from Abigail. But his focus tonight was fixed on finding out about Jocelyn. "Thank you, Abigail. I think that you were right. I would have tried to win you back and that would have been the wrong thing for both of us. But I think that that is water under the bridge now. I can't quite say that I can thank you for leaving me, it hurt too much. I certainly understand better now than I did at the time how it was the right thing for you to do. But I didn't come here to open up that can of worms tonight. I really wanted to talk to you about Jocelyn."

Abigail leaned back in her chair and smiled. "Ah, so, you do like her then."

Marc felt a little bewildered. "Yes, of course."

"You, 'of course'? I don't think so. Have you spanked her?"

Marc looked at her fiercely. "Abigail, what are you playing at?"

"I see that you did. I have been having a go at matchmaking. I hope that you don't mind. I really wanted you to find someone that you can love and still be yourself."

Marc was lost for words. Abigail carried on "Marc, I really did love you. But you were always distant to me. You know how I felt, we talked about it often enough."

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