drew michaels, the miracle who survived a massive fire, moves in with her uncle oliver in queens, new york where she meets peter parker. little does she know that the secret she's hiding from him isn't so different than the one he's hiding from her...
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present day april 25, 2018, titan
Peter and Drew had been tuning everything out, Peter trying to quiet Drew's sobs in case Thanos would turn to them and attempt to kill them. Drew turned around to see Tony, hoping and praying that he would make it out alive.
"I hope they remember you," Thanos said, raising the gauntlet to quicken Tony's death.
"NO!" Drew screamed, running out of Peter's arms and down the hill that was in front of them, moving in between Thanos and Tony. "Stop!" She held her arm up towards the Titan. "Keep him alive! Kill me instead. I'm more powerful than him. Just keep him alive. After all he's been through, he deserves to live."
"DREW! STOP!" Peter took his mask off to reveal the tears that streaked down his face. He knew she would do this. If she was to die, it would have been all his fault. He didn't hold her tight enough, and he let her go. Drew sobbed as the Titan raised his gauntlet as she prepared to die, just as she did when she was 8.
"Drew," Tony choked out, blood sputtering from his lips. "Don't do this."
Her eyes began glowing. It was as if her body knew that it was about to die. Thanos pointed the gauntlet at her, about to end her life, but something stopped him.
"Stop!" Strange yelled. Thanos turned to him, the gauntlet still pointed at Drew. "Spare both of their lives, and I will give you the stone."
"Strange, don't do it." Drew whipped her head around to look at him.
"No tricks?" Thanos asked.
"No tricks." Strange responded, seeming to pull something out of thin air.
"Strange, stop!" Drew called out. Thanos held out his hand and the gauntlet and awaited the stone to get to him. Tony was in so much pain he couldn't even say anything to try and stop him. But he knew that if he could, and if he did say something, Drew would be the one to die.
The stone reached Thanos' hand and he put it in the gauntlet. The world seemed to shake as he surged with power, creating a portal and sending himself through it just as Quill flew towards him.
"What was that?" Quill asked, standing up from where he had fallen. "Did we just lose?"
"Strange..." Drew sobbed. "Why'd you do that?"
"We're in the endgame now." Strange said in a monotone voice.
Peter didn't hesitate to run towards Drew. He hugged her tightly and she hugged him tightly back, unsure of what was next.
"You idiot! You damn idiot!" Peter cried, hugging her again.
"I'm sorry. I thought that if I died, no one else would have to." Drew sobbed.
"I hate you for thinking that." Peter cupped her face in his hands and kissed her. She kissed him back, but the kiss was sad. It was heartbroken, like they both knew that they had lost without any of them confirming it. Drew broke away and pressed her head against Peter's chest.
"I'm sorry." Drew said, her voice muffled. "What now?"
"For once... I don't know." Tony stood. He had used what was left of his suit to freeze his wound, just like he had done to the wall of the ship after they killed Ebony Maw. Drew felt Peter hug her tighter, knowing that Thanos' plan might go into full effect.
"We wait," Strang announced, also standing up. "There's nothing more we can do."
* * *
"You all call yourselves the Guardians of the Galaxy?" Drew asked. Everyone was either standing, sitting on a rock, or sitting on the ground. They knew that the Mind Stone was his for the taking at this point, and that there was nothing any of the Avengers could do. So, they were sitting and waiting. Waiting to die, or waiting to hear something from someone, saying that they had won.
"Yeah. Something a guy had come up with a while back." Quill nodded. "There are... There are three more of us. Rocket, Groot, and... And Gamora." He paused. "What about you guys? The Avengers?"
"I'm really not an Avenger. I'm only 17. So's he." Drew pointed to Peter.
"And you... Can turn into a flame?" Drax asked.
"I can control fire and it comes out of my hands. I've been doing it since I was 8." Drew shrugged. She and Peter were sitting on a rock, their fingers intertwined.
"Interesting," Drax said. Everyone sat in silence, taking in their surroundings.
"Are we all going to die?" Drew broke the silence.
"Drew-" Peter started.
"She's being realistic." Quill nodded.
"I mean, he's pretty much won. He's not just gonna let us live, right?" Drew looked around from person to person.
"He won't." Nebula muttered.
"Nebula is the daughter of Thanos." Drax announced.
"So we've heard." Drew said "I'm sorry." Nebula didn't respond.
"Mr. Stark, do you know if everyone's okay?" Peter asked.
"Pete, I've been with you all day, and we're in space. I honestly don't know." Tony rubbed his eyes.
"Oliver." Drew stood up in a panic. "He doesn't know I'm here." She already knew this, but it was like the panic was officially setting in. She began shaking and pacing. "We're going to die, and he doesn't know I'm here."
"I think he has a feeling you're here. If you weren't, you would've called him." Tony reminded her.
"Oh god, and May. She's gonna panic. But they have each other, right?" Drew asked, turning to Peter, waiting for his input on the situation.
"Y-Yeah, of course. They know where to find each other." Peter nodded, looking to Tony. Tony looked away, not knowing what to tell these two broken kids. He wasn't supposed to, but he had grown really fond of them and they were like his kids.
There was a sudden shift in the air and everyone stood, except for Dr. Strange. Mantis broke the sudden silence.