drew michaels, the miracle who survived a massive fire, moves in with her uncle oliver in queens, new york where she meets peter parker. little does she know that the secret she's hiding from him isn't so different than the one he's hiding from her...
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april 25, 2018, titan
"Where is 'here', exactly?" Drew asked, running up to where Tony and Dr. Strange were standing.
"You'd know if you had been in the conversation and not over there kissing," Strange said, causing Tony to laugh.
"Should we talk about that?" Peter whispered to her.
"We'll talk about it when we get home." She nodded.
"Uh, guys? I don't think we're stopping." Peter exclaimed, pointing at the large windshield, which showed them plummeting to the ground.
"Oh god." Drew exclaimed.
"Pete, get your hand inside the steering gimble, close those around it," Tony instructed Peter. "In?"
"Yeah," Peter said once his arm was inside the mechanism and it was closed.
"This is meant for one big guy so we gotta move at the same time," Tony yelled.
"Uh, guys? Turn! Turn, turn, turn!" Drew yelled from behind them. They tried turning, but instead, they hit a mountain-like feature, causing them to crash into the ground. Before they could, Strange put them in a force-field to protect them all.
After they crashed and everything had calmed down, Peter, who had somehow landed himself on the ceiling, lowered himself down from a web.
"Let me just say, if aliens wind up implanting eggs in my chest or something, and I end up eating one of you, I'm sorry." Peter said, still upside down.
"I do not want another single pop culture reference out of you for the rest of the trip." Tony pointed at him.
"I'm trying to say that something's coming." He pointed behind him and put on his mask. No sooner did he say that, a bomb rolled towards them and exploded, sending everyone in different directions. Three figures ran in, one attempting to throw a knife at Strange, which he easily deflected. The knife-thrower kept screaming, which Drew thought was kind of odd. Strange willed his cape to fly over to the large knife-thrower, and it covered his face and pulled him backwards.
Peter, who had landed on his back, opened his eyes and saw an alien-like figure with antennas standing over him.
"Woah, woah, woah," He gasped, backing up on the floor. "Please don't put your eggs in me!" He pleaded, shooting a web at her to tie her arms and legs to her body, making her unable to move. The last figure jumped down from where he was standing and kicked Peter away.