drew michaels, the miracle who survived a massive fire, moves in with her uncle oliver in queens, new york where she meets peter parker. little does she know that the secret she's hiding from him isn't so different than the one he's hiding from her...
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april 25, 2018, queens, new york
"I don't understand why we need to go on a field trip where all we do is talk to our friends and go on our phones. We could literally just miss a day of school and do this." Drew rolled her eyes, plopping down next to Peter on the field trip bus. Ned sat in front of them, and MJ had made it a point not to come to school today.
"Mhm." Peter hummed, putting in his earbuds. Drew put hers in as well and put her head on his shoulder, both of them becoming unaware of their surroundings. Unbeknownst to them, the teacher had taken attendance, Ned telling the teacher that Peter and Drew were there, and the bus had begun moving. They drove away from the school and down the streets of New York, farther and farther away. They were about twenty minutes away when Peter jumped.
"What is it?" Drew asked, pulling out her earbuds. Peter pulled out his as well.
"N-nothing." He assured her, looking out the window. She followed his gaze and saw a giant round spaceship flying through the city.
"Holy shit." She mumbled.
"Yeah." Peter gasped, leaning forward and gently tapping Ned on his face. "Ned, hey, Ned, I need you to cause a distraction." He said. Ned turned and saw the spaceship and stood, running to the back of the bus.
"We're all gonna die! There's a spaceship!" As soon as everyone was distracted, Peter pulled on web shooters and opened the window, looking at Drew, who had a confused look on her face.
"You're Spiderman?" She whispered harshly.
"I'm sorry, I'll explain later, but I gotta go help." He whispered back, swinging out of the window. Drew was happy she had been prepared today and had worn her suit under her clothes. She put her phone in her backpack and put it on, and used her antigravitation shoes to fly out the window.
"Wait, what?" She heard Peter's voice. He was hanging on the outside of the bus, with his mask on now.
"I'll explain later. But right now, we gotta go help." She said, gesturing for him to come with her. She began flying towards the ship and Peter used a nearby bridge to swing off of and into the main part of the city.
* * *
"So you're telling me you've had these powers since you were 8?" Peter exclaimed. Peter was in an alley, changing into his suit, and Drew was on the roof, being careful not to look.
"Yeah. I wish I could've told you." She sighed. "Can you move any faster? We have to go help! Mr. Stark is probably already there." She exclaimed.