Chapter 10! | Passionate Outburst | @fanfilledfandom

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Anger built up inside of him. How could Logan defend Anxiety? And over him too! This time Roman had had enough of his friends taking Anxiety's side, it wasn't his fault he suspected Virgil of causing Thomas' anxious feelings, after all his name literally was Anxiety.

"Well you know what?" Roman snapped, startling them all. Even Virgil was surprised at his sudden out burst. "Sorry if I care for Thomas and the one who's name LITTERARY is Anxiety is the first person I think off!" he shouted before sinking down fast.

"Roman wait!" Patton cried out jumping to grab Roman's hand. "Well done Logan," he said bitterly before sinking down too.

Thomas stared blank faced at where Patton was standing. Now something is definitely up if his moral side was being impulsive. Logan broke out a sweat when Thomas looked to him to explain. He felt so hopeless.

"Don't worry Thomas, I can fix this," Logan assured him awkwardly placing a hand in his shoulder.

"Good luck with that," Virgil's mocking voice echoed around the room, a smrik plastered of him face with his arms folded over his chest.

"Virgil?" Logan and Thomas asked wit the same amount of concern and fear- Logan maybe a little less emotion.

"Oh, so now you're treating me like a person again? Typical," he spat shoving his hands into the pockets of his hoodie.

"Virgil, snap out of it!" Logan demanded taking a few steps towards him.

Virgil lost his smirk as he collapsed holding his head. Logan's eyes widened as he rushed over to his unconscious friend. Thomas stood not knowing what to do. He couldn't call an ambulance for someone only he could see.

"Thomas, quickly, clear the couch for him," Logan instructed taking control of the situation.

Thomas obeyed throwing his clothes of the couch and onto the coffee table. Logan carried Virgil over bridal style which Virgil didn't appreciate. He groaned as Logan set him down.

He tried to sit up but Logan keep his hands firm on his shoulders preventing him to do so. He was to dizzy and tired to talk so he shot Logan a glare.

"You need rest Virgil," Logan said sternly.

"I need aspirin," Virgil snapped in a raspy voice, at least his echo was gone.

Thomas rushed to the kitchen snatching out dome aspirin and filling a glass with water. He handed it to Virgil who rejected the water and swallowed the tablets dry before turning over and passing out.

💜 Saving The Villain 💙 | (Book 1) | Collab w/ @fanfilledfandomWhere stories live. Discover now