Chapter 22 | Don't Fall | @fanfilledfandom

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Virgil awoke in what he assume to be morning. The dim alleyway and streets lights were gone and instead replaced with a grassy field and shining sun. Virgil blinked a few times before noticing his head was no longer on the floor but on someone's lap. He squinted at the tan coloured pants he was resting on.

"Good morning Virgil," Logan greeted.

"Holy shit-" Virgil jumped falling off of Logans lap. "What are you doing here?"

"I didn't mean to scare you Virgil, I apologise," the logical trait said.

"You didn't answer my question," he huffed picking himself off the ground and brushing the front of his hoodie.

Logan followed in pursuit taking two steps towards a very annoyed Virgil.

"Don't come any closer Logan," he warned.

Logan did as Virgil asked and stopped. He cleared his throat thinking carefully of how to word his speech as he had completelya forgot his original one.

"Virgil, what you thought happened last night didn't. I wasn't aware Patton and Roman where in the room, what I said was true. I would never play with y0ur feelings," Logan said sympathetically.

'How do I know you're not lying?' Virgil heard the voice again.

"Yeah, how do I know you're not lying?" He repeated.

Logan stopped. He was hoping Virgil would forgive him and all this would be over. He hadn't thought it through this much, how could he not have made a plan for every possible outcome. Why did Virgil have to make him so nervous and unlogical. Logan stared at the ground.

"That's what I thought," Virgil sighed and turned to walk off.

"Wait, Virgil. Please," Logan pleaded. "I'm not lying."

'He is."
"You are," Virgil hissed.

Logan rushed up to Virgil taking his hands and pulling him up to his face. Virgils eyes widened and his body stiffened, Logans hands were so warm and soft, it made Virgil feel safe in a way.

'Don't fall for it'

"Virgil, I love you," Logan confessed once again.

'Don't. Fall. For. It."

"I-" Virgil started.


"DON'T" Virgil screamed his voice once again echoing. He pushed Logan away and ran.

Logan gasped. No, this is not happening again. Logan sunk down rising up in front of Virgil. Virgil stopped and glared up at Logan, his hoodie casting a dark shadow over his eyes.



"Virgil, I love you," Logan sounded desperate now.

"Liar!" He repeated.

Logan realised words were getting him nowhere. It was time to take action. Logan leaned in planting a kiss on Virgil's lips.

'Faker! He doesn't love you!'

This time, Virgil didn't listen. He returned the kiss, wrapping his arms around Logan's neck, Logan placing his hands on Virgil's checks. As they broke the kiss, a chuckle could be heard from behind Logan. Deceit faded into reality behind Logan giving Virgil a grin. Virgil choked alerting Logan who turned his head to look behind him.

"What's wrong, Verge?" He asked as he saw no one there.

"Nothing... it's nothing."

💜 Saving The Villain 💙 | (Book 1) | Collab w/ @fanfilledfandomWhere stories live. Discover now