Ch. 1: "Hey! Who Went Through My Clothes?!"

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11:00 PM.

The guys and gals are finally done with their dorm room contest and are all getting ready for bed. After Tsu's touching speech to her friends, Uraraka walks with her back to her dorm room.

"I'm glad the others took what you said so close to heart, Tsu!" Uraraka said.

"Yeah... I'm so lucky to have friends like you guys... I can't tell you how grateful I am to know you all still like me... even after what I did..."

Ururaka hushed her, "Nonsense! You didn't want your friends to get hurt. Nobody could blame you for wanting that!"

"Thank's Ururaka..." Tsuyu said lightly.

"You sure you'll be alright alone?" Ururaka looked at her worryingly.

"Yeah. I think I'll be fine... thanks for everything, Ururaka."

"You can always count on me!" Ururaka held up a thumbs up before she shut the door for Tsuyu.

Ururaka was on her way back to her dorm room when she realized that the door was cracked open a little bit. She looked around, puzzled. Every other door was locked and shut except for hers.

'Huh... that's weird... I could have sworn I closed the door before everyone left...'

She propped open the door slowly checking to see if there was anyone snooping around her room. She checked her closet, behind her bed, not many places for anyone to hide. She couldn't find anyone.

"Heh, I must've just simply forgotten! Woopsie!" she said with one hand on her head.

As she was about to turn off the lights and hop into bed, she then noticed one of her drawers was open.

"...Huh?" she went over to check.

Shuffling through her clothes, she noticed some of her other PJ's and underwear were missing.

"Who in the world would just take my clothes?!" She sighs.

"It better have not been one of the guys... especially Mineta..." She shudders at the mere thought.

"well, no point in waking everyone up for my one outfit now. I'll just wait until morning." She continues with locking her door, turning off the lights, and hopping under the covers, falling fast asleep.

11:30 PM.

A shadowy girl walking in the empty halls is headed for the stair case. The only clothes she has with her are in her hands. They are Ururaka's PJ's and underwear.

"I'm coming for you, Izuku..." She says in a horny tone.

"I knew this sample I collected would be the only one I'll need to get exactly what I want..."

Toga whips out the vial of Ururaka's blood that she collected at the camp and takes a small sip.

"Let's see if you're as sweet and innocent as I hoped you'd be, Izuku..." She said with excited eyes.

"... So I can rip and tear that innocence apart... One. Slice. At a time...!" She hides her giggle quietly to avoid waking anyone.

Toga stands at Deku's door, decked out in Ururaka's full outfit. Looking exactly like her. She can't help but smile greatly at the sheer thought of all the things she's finally about to do to Izuku Midoriya.


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