Ch. 3: "You're Mine, Now..."

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"... T-Toga?! Wh-" Toga covers his mouth and gets close to him.

"Awww, I just knew you would remember me! Shhh, It's okay... you're with me now..." She starts licking down his cheek and begins to lightly nibble on his neck.

"A-Are you gonna kill me...?!" Deku shivers as he cocks back from Toga laughing into his neck.

"Oh, Deku! No, of course not! I'm just gonna cut you... over... and over... and savor every last drop of your blood..." She puts her hand over Deku's mouth.

In a muffled voice, Deku blurts, "W-Wait! please, don-"

She bites into his neck with her sharp fangs. She does not start sucking and drinking, however. She uses her tongue to spurt the blood about and around her mouth and all over his neck.

"Aaagh!" Deku screams, but can't let out anything louder than a grunt.

"Ah- ah- ah! If you dare end this moment by calling for help, I'll go straight for your throat!" She holds her knife up to his jugular and slowly grazes it across the rest of his neck.

Deku starts to panic. 'Oh God, this is actually happening! What the heck do I do?! I could use my quirk to blow her away right now! But I would endanger all my classmates around me! And I would undoubtedly destroy this whole building, let alone the entire area! She said she wouldn't kill me... but is she lying? Should I just... wait this out...?'

"I know you could destroy me right here, Deku." She says as she grips onto his hair.

"We all know what you did to Muscular... You could stop me any time you want, but could it be that you enjoy this as much as I do...?" She removes her hand over his mouth and starts to make-out with him once more.

'No! No, I don't enjoy this! I'm only letting this happen to keep my friends safe... but... this feeling... I... I can't explain it! I-'

Toga stops and Deku takes a breath of air, coughing from almost choking on his own blood. She then begins to take off her tank top she took from Ururaka's drawer.

Toga giggles, "You know, as much as I love wearing your little girlfriend's sweet smelling clothes, I'd much rather get to feel your body all over me... Almost as enjoyable as wearing your skin..."

She then slices Deku's shirt apart. Leaving his toned chest and abs completely exposed. Toga viewed his body as a canvas, waiting to be painted on. Or perhaps a block of stone, waiting to be chiseled.

"Deku, baby, would you mind unhooking my bra for me like a good little slave?" Toga wiggles her chest in front of Deku's face, teasing him.

He unconsciously obliges and begins unhooking, still struggling to withstand the pain of the bite.

'... What... What am I doing...? Why am I still listening to her...?! H-How am I still moving...? I... I can't even think for myself right now...'

Toga's bra comes off and she swings it to the side. Her chest is fully exposed. Deku's eyes point straight to her bazookas, with an expression of both emptiness and longing.

"Do you like them, Deku? I've been saving them for your eyes and hands only... I can read everything your eyes are saying right now, and they're saying some oh so very dirty things... hehe!"

'Good grief, they are really really nice... They look so soft, I could almost... No! I'm no pervert! I won't let this get to me! Come on, Deku, snap out of it! Don't let a girl's boobs make you into a fool! You're a hero! You can defeat anyon-'

Toga suddenly shoves her chest straight into Deku's face as he instinctively starts sucking. Deku has officially disconnected from reality.

2:30 AM.

Mineta lets out a yawn, shuffling through the halls trying to find the bathroom, "Why didn't any of the girls come into my room, huh...? It was too perfect... it was all too perfect..."

He then stops within his tracks due to a giggle coming out of Deku's room.

"Wait! I know that sound...! Is Deku getting on in there?! It's only the first night!"

With jealous thoughts, Mineta holds his head up to the door, but instead of getting his rocks off, his mood changes from perverted to serious very fast.

Muffled through the door, "My, my, Deku! You sure are a thirsty boy! Lucky for you, I'm quite the thirsty girl..."

Mineta hears slashing and slicing and assumes that they're happening on Deku's body.

'This... Can't... Be... Happening...!' Mineta spazzes.


2:31 AM.

Mineta begins knocking on all of the girls' dorm room doors.

In a quiet whisper he shouts, "Gals...! Gals...! You all need to wake up...! Now...!"

All the girls, moaning and groaning, open their doors, and to their dismay see Mineta shaking in his boxers.

Yaoyorozu breaks the yawns by picking up Mineta by his shirt, sporting a dismaying shadow over her face, "It is two o'clock in the morning you purple little sleaze ball. You better have a good reason for this uproar."

Mineta shakes, "I-I-It's Deku...! I t-think he's in trouble...!"

The girls look slightly more alert from the statement. Ururaka jumps in, "W-What?! What's happening?!"

Mineta continues, "I-I heard some girl's voice giggling, and the sound of cuts being slashed! I didn't want to wake any of the guys because I was afraid whoever was with Deku would hear us and make an escape!"

The girls look at each other, then quickly come up with the next course of action.

Ururaka chimes in, "... Let's go...!"


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